KO staff travel to Rome to present at event on Communication for Development

Brian Walmark, KO Research Institute Coordinator is on his way to Rome to present the KO Telecom story at a Special session on "Indigenous People' Communication for Development" being organized by the World Bank and the United Nations.

The First World Congress on Communication for Development,  jointly organized by FAO, the World Bank and Communication Initiative is being  held in Rome, Italy,  from October 25-27, 2006.  The Congress is bringing  together about 500 communication professionals engaged in development  initiatives, policymakers, development practitioners, donor and NGO  representatives, and academics from around the world to share perspectives  and advocate for greater integration of communication in development policy  and programs. 

The first WCCD is discussing the use of communication for  development in four main themes:

  • Governance,
  • Participation and Transparency, 
  • Health in a Time of Poverty and
  • Sustainable Development and Communication  Labs,

The objectives of the gathering include:

  • to demonstrate the value-added of communication for  development,
  • to provide data and evidence of the impact of communication in  development projects and programs, and
  • to reflect on how to incorporate  communication into development policy and practice.

Furthermore, a series of special events are also being organized on the  applications of Communication for Development to important developmental  issues.

Within this framework, a special session on "Indigenous People' Communication  for Development" is being organized by UNPFII, CIDOB, IFAD and FAO to promote  the mainstreaming of Community Development policies in support of Indigenous Peoples'
 development. The objectives of the session are:

  • To discuss the role  of ComDev in promoting sustainable development of IP
  • Define proposals for mainstreaming ComDev policies for IP
  • Agree on a priority actions and follow-up initiatives

Keewaytinook Okimakanak's Research Institute (Brian Walmark) is invited to be part of that session to contribute to the results  with your experience and to present the point of view of our organization/institution towards the mainstreaming of communication for development.