First Nations Innovation research, KORI and KO hosts international online launch of new Journal of CI

On April 4, the day Industry Canada released their Digital Canada 150 strategy for the other 98% of the country, the First Nations Innovation research project, the Keewaytinook Okimakanak Research Institute (KORI) and KNET hosted the launch of the First Mile Special Edition of the Journal of Community Informatics (JOCI).

Presenters from France, Australia, U.S. (Alaska, Hawaii, Wisconsin), and from across Canada (Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Ontario, Alberta, BC) spoke about their papers in this special edition of JOCI. The two hour session is archived at for anyone wanting to watch and listen to the presentations.

The First Mile work being done in communities around the world is highlights in this Special Edition of JOCI. Communities and municipalities can no longer wait for governments or corporations to get connected. Communities know that if they are to support their youth and businesses that they need to be connected today. Governments have been funding telecommunication corporations for years to connect these communities and the communities continue to receive third rate services. First Mile initiatives around the world are demonstrating how communities can do it better while sustaining their own economies.

The presentations used by some of the presenters are available online at the First Mile web site. Click here to see these presentations, the archive, and the workshop agenda