NAN Mining Strategy Environmental and Economic Forum March 12-13, 2014

NAN Mining Strategy - AGENDA

Objective of Forum:

• To enable First Nations and Tribal Councils to meet and share information regarding their issues/concerns regarding the environment as well as their existing environmental monitoring and protection programs.

• To identify additional needs of First Nations regarding environmental protection and to discuss concepts, roles and responsibilities for a NAN wide Regional Environmental Agency acceptable to First Nations and Tribal Councils.Morning:

1. Environmental Issues and Impacts on First Nations and territories - brief overview

Presentations by First Nations and Tribal Councils (open forum)
Presentation by NAN
Review of recommendations from 2013 Mining Sessions as well as NAN Resolutions pertaining to environmental issues

2. First Nations and Tribal Councils presentations on existing environmental monitoring and protection programs, and needs. (presenters tbd)

3. Discuss environmental protection recommendations, and options for environmental agency structure/ roles and responsibilities (open forum)

4. Final Recommendations and Option for Implementation


1. NAN Presentation - Overview of Potential Economic and Resource Development, and related Infrastructure Opportunities in the Treaty 9 Territory.

2. First Nations and Tribal Council presentations on current and future economic development initiatives.


3. Open Forum Discussions on how to take advantage of incoming opportunities which will have regional impacts.

4. Recommendations and Options

If you are attending this Forum please fax at 1-807-623-7730 or Email your Registrations Forms ASAP. NAN is covering the costs for 1 Ecdev / Resource Person from each First NAtion.