First Nations included in new development corporation for Ring of Fire infrastructure - Ontario announces

Ontario press release

Moving Forward on the Ring of Fire

November 8, 2013

Ontario Leading the Creation of a Development Corporation for Ring of Fire Infrastructure

Ontario is taking a significant step forward toward the development of the Ring of Fire. The province will lead the creation of a development corporation that would bring together private and public parties, including First Nations, mining companies, as well as the federal and provincial governments. This continues Ontario's smart, sustainable and collaborative approach to the Ring of Fire.

The corporation would develop, construct, finance, operate and maintain infrastructure supporting access to strategic resources in the Ring of Fire. The province will begin immediate work with partners, including the federal government, on the development corporation to determine its scope and a suitable governance model.

Premier Wynne has written Prime Minister Harper seeking a role for the federal government to partner with Ontario, through the development corporation, in order to develop vital infrastructure investments for the region.

Ontario continues to be committed to smart, sustainable and collaborative development in the Ring of Fire, subject to all necessary environmental assessment and regulatory processes while ensuring the Crown fulfils its duty to consult.

Investing in the development of the Ring of Fire is part of the government's economic plan to invest in people, invest in infrastructure and support a dynamic and innovative business climate.


  • The Ring of Fire, located 540 kilometres northeast of Thunder Bay, is one of the most significant mineral regions in the province and includes the largest deposit of chromite ever discovered in North America. This is a key ingredient used to create stainless steel.
  • The Ring of Fire also holds the potential for significant production of nickel, copper and platinum.
  • Ontario is Canada's leading destination for mineral exploration investment and Toronto is the leading mine-financing capital of the world.
  • Ontario leads all provinces and territories in mineral exploration, with 23 per cent of the country's exploration investment located within the province.
  • In July 2013, Ontario appointed Honourable Frank Iacobucci as the lead negotiator on behalf of Ontario to participate in discussions with the Matawa First Nations on proposed resource development in the Ring of Fire.



'Minimal consultation' with First Nations on Ring of Fire

First Nations leader says new development corporation shows Ontario 'pretending' to consult

Posted: Nov 14, 2013

Northern Development and Mines Minister Michael Gravelle announced Nov.8 that northern Ontario's Ring of Fire project will be assisted by a newly created development corporation.

Northern Development and Mines Minister Michael Gravelle announced Nov.8 that northern Ontario's Ring of Fire project will be assisted by a newly created development corporation. (Jeff Walters/CBC)

Ring of Fire - NAN 10:12

Ontario launches a new Ring of Fire Development Corporation 11:47

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The Nishnawbe Aski Nation says Ontario's latest announcement about the Ring of Fire shows the province is not properly consulting First Nations. 

NAN Deputy Grand Chief Les Louttit calls the province's proposed Ring of Fire development corporation a "Father knows best" approach, adding he hasn't had any contact from the province about its plan.

"This is normal, a normal policy for this government," he said. "You pretend to consult and you do minimal consultation, then you defer that responsibility to the industry."

Northern Development Minister Michael Gravelle said the province sent letters to individual First Nations and mining companies "to determine who else wants to be part of this development corporation, who will be involved in the future development of the project from an infrastructure point of view.

"It became clear to us that we needed to find a way to break the log jam [surrounding Ring of Fire negotiations] and, when we moved forward with the announcement last week, it was based upon the fact that ... the potential partners in the development corporation would indicate their interest in becoming involved," he said.

Partners, not bystanders

Neskantaga First Nation Chief Peter Moonias confirmed he received a letter and is waiting to pass judgment on how useful the development corporation will be.

"We have to be at least partners in that, not just bystanders to the Province of Ontario and the companies," he said.

"The First Nations people are going to be the ones [who] are going to be impacted and we have to play a leading role to determine how this is going to be done."

Gravelle said the province is still holding talks with NAN on broader regional infrastructure needs, but welcomes NAN's input on the Ring of Fire specifically.


The Ring of Fire mining region is located in the James Bay Lowlands in northern Ontario.

For his part, Louttit said more work needs to be done on those broader needs, and added the north needs a northern Ontario regional development plan.

'Years have been wasted'

The Leader of the New Democratic Party is taking a wait-and-see approach when it comes to developing infrastructure in the Ring of Fire.

Andrea Horwath met with Mayor Keith Hobbs Thursday morning in Thunder Bay.

She said says she hopes the new development corporation will bring all the parties to the table.

"Years have been wasted. And that everybody understands the roles that they have to play and we haven't seen that yet," she said.

"Whether this development corporation somehow is able to overcome the mess that the government's made already, it's a wait and see."

Horwath says she hopes any infrastructure development can be used by people living in the north, and not just for the transportation of goods.