First Nations Elections Act being prepared to be passed by House of Commons

First Nations Elections Act Soon To Be Passed

The Harper Government is bringing Bill S-6, the First Nations Elections Act, back to life and referring it to the Standing House Committee. on Aboriginal Affairs. The Committee could start its hearings on the Bill as early as next Tuesday. It is probable that the government will impose time allocation on the Bill, meaning that debate and witnesses could be cut back to a few days -- no one knows now how much time the government will allow.

There is little hope for Amendment. Not one amendment was passed to any Bill that went through Parliament in the last session of Parliament. However, First Nations should be on record as to their opinions and recommendations on the Bill in the event of legal action.

Remember that the Bill has already passed the Senate -- so once it passes the House, it will become law.

Attached please find a copy of the Bill as it stood at the end of the last session of Parliament. Also find a copy of the Library of Parliament Report on the Bill. Also find a very critical copy of the report of the Standing Senate Committee on Aboriginal People after it heard from witnesses about the Bill.

Anyone wishing to appear before the Committee should immediately send a request to the Clerk of the Committee, Jean-Marie David, (613)996-1173 with a copy to the NDP opposition critic Jean Crowder, and to the Liberal critic, Dr. Carolyn Bennett

Click here for a copy of the First Nations Elections Act

Click here for a copy of the summary document

Click here for a copy of the Senate Committee Report