First Nations reject another made-in-Ottawa colonial approach to providing education for First Nations

AFN Press Release

October 23, 2013

Assembly of First Nations National Chief Responds to the Release of Federal Government Document "A Proposal for a Bill on First Nation Education"

(Ottawa, ON) - Today, Assembly of First Nations (AFN) National Chief Shawn A-in-chut Atleo responded to the release of the federal government document "A Proposal for a Bill on First Nation Education".  The federal government says it will receive feedback on this proposal up to early January 2014 and this will precede any tabling in Parliament of legislation on a First Nation Education Act.

"First Nations have been clear about serious concerns with both the federal process to date as well as what is required to support First Nation student success ," said National Chief Atleo. "We have been very vocal in what we are seeking: an approach that respects our rights and enables First Nations control of First Nations education. Our children and students deserve safe and good schools and supporting their success with fair and stable funding that will address the gaps while supported by strong First Nations systems and delivering a curriculum that respects our rights and our languages. This work is tremendously important to First Nations and is a top priority.  The federal government must meaningfully and immediately engage with First Nations.  We must get this right, right now."   

AFN Nova Scotia-Newfoundland Regional Chief Morley Googoo, who holds the Education portfolio for the AFN, said: "Aboriginal Affairs Minister Valcourt met with the Chiefs Committee on Education on Monday October 21st and they delivered a direct message that First Nations must be fully and meaningfully engaged in the design, development, and implementation of First Nation education. We absolutely need an ongoing engagement to get to a positive outcome that will support the success of First Nations students."

The AFN and the Chiefs Committee on Education will be providing a detailed analysis of the proposal and other information to assist First Nations in their review of the federal document.

The Assembly of First Nations is the national organization representing First Nations citizens in Canada. Follow AFN on Twitter @AFN_Comms, @AFN_Updates.


Contact information:

Alain Garon AFN Bilingual Communications Officer 613-241-6789, ext 382; 613-292-0857 or

Jenna Young AFN Communications Officer 613-241-6789, ext 401; 613-314-8157 or

Click here for a copy of the proposed Bill for a First Nations Education Act