First Nations beware: Energy east pipeline payment to landowners for survey access presented as consultation

Radio interview at the end of this story is VERY EDUCATIONAL ... it sure put a new spin on CONSULTATION!

Will Your Property Be Impacted by the Energy East Pipeline?

Dave Core, the founding president of CAEPLA, the Canadian Association of Energy and Pipeline Landowner Associations, is travelling across the country speaking to landowners who may be impacted by the Energy East pipeline development. 

Other landowners who have been, or are likely to be impacted by, other pipeline projects, power corridors, or oil and gas development are welcome to attend his presentations as well.

Dave is on the cutting edge of property rights issues as they pertain to oil, gas, pipeline, and power line developments, and speaks on the issues that affect pipeline landowner interests, including right of entry contracts, soil preservation, environmental liability, land use restrictions, safety, repair & maintenance issues, abandonment, and compensation.

A graduate of Ridgetown College of Agriculture (a campus of the University of Guelph), Dave Core has been a grain farmer, commercial poultry producer, and for many years operated his own trucking business. He is past-president of the Ontario Pipeline Landowners Association (OPLA), and founding president of CAEPLA.

Dave currently serves as CAEPLA's Director of Federally Regulated Projects. He is a much sought after public speaker, consultant and negotiator, and is considered by many to be one of Canada's foremost and leading landowner advocates.


Twitter @CAEPLA 

Recent CBC interview with Dave Core: