5 KO Communities Join Wataynikaneyap Power

Keewaytinook Okimakanak Leadership and technicians gathered in Thunder Bay to join 13 First Nations in Wataynikaneyap Power.

At a signing ceremony Oct 8, the KO communities of Deer Lake, Keewaywin, McDowell Lake, North Spirit Lake, and Poplar Hill First Nation officially joined to become equal partners in the project. “Our communities require a reliable power source to be able to participate in economic development opportunities taking place in the region,” says Executive Director, Peter Campbell. “We look forward to benefiting from this very important infrastructure project – now and into the future.” “We are pleased to welcome the 5 KO communities, who joined our company today,” says Margaret Kenequanash, Board Chair of Wataynikaneyap Power. “Our communities see the merit of getting off diesel and having a reliable source of energy to enable community growth and to be able to participate in the economic opportunities throughout the region. We look forward to working with all of the communities.” Fort Severn is exploring alternative energy projects as the community is too far from the network to be connected.


KO will be working with the Directors over the next few months to visit the communities and discuss the project. 

For more information about the project please visit www.wataypower.ca 
