87.7 per cent of Mi'kmaq students earn diplomas in Nova Scotia under local First Nation control

87.7 per cent of Mi'kmaq students earn high school diplomas

October 04, 2013

SYDNEY - High school graduation rates among Mi'kmaq students in Nova Scotia peaked at 87.7 per cent per cent in 2012-13, considerably higher than the national average of 35 per cent, according to a new report by the First Nation education authority in Nova Scotia.

Mi'kmaw Kina'matnewey released its annual report Friday at the organization's annual general assembly in Dartmouth.

The report highlights MK's work during the 2012-13 academic year and focuses on its core areas of activity: elementary and secondary education, post-secondary education, performance measurement, the Atlantic Canada First Nation Help Desk; Mi'kmaq language, special education; sports, health and wellness; and the First Nation School Success Program.

More than 500 Mi'kmaq students were enrolled in post-secondary education, up 25 per cent since 2011-12. Approximately 84 students successfully graduated from post-secondary institutions. Literacy, numeracy, school attendance and student retention rates in elementary and secondary schools continued to rise, the reprot states.

MK executive director Eleanor Bernard believes they have a self-governance model of education that works, and others are noticing.

"This year we celebrated 15 years of Mi'kmaq education success in Nova Scotia," Bernard said in a news release. "While we always look to improve, it's important that we pause, reflect and appreciate the long way we've come."

In 1999, under federal government legislation, Mi'kmaq communities in Nova Scotia won the right to manage the education of their children for the first time in a century.

As an education authority that provides central services, Mi'kmaw Kina'matnewey assists Nova Scotia Mi'kmaq schools deliver language immersion courses, culturally appropriate teaching pedagogy, and other initiatives to promote student success.

Efforts to maintain and revitalize the Mi'kmaq language remained strong in 2012-13 through the introduction of Mi'kmaq language classes in communities, the integration of Mi'kmaq language web-based courses in MK high school curriculum, and a pilot certification course for Mi'kmaq language speakers to teach non-speakers. This past June, a state-of-the-art and culturally relevant school opened in Wagmatcook with National Chief Shawn Atleo attending the opening ceremonies.

Mi'kmaw Kina'matnewey has undertaken an initiative involving a system that monitors strategies and goals for schools and creates educational support statistics such as graduation, attendance and retention rates.

Atlantic Canada's First Nation Help Desk continued to provide technology-related resources to First Nation schools in Atlantic Canada, including fibre optics connectivity, safe Internet feeds, videoconferencing networks, and youth employment opportunities.

Construction has begun on a Grade P-9 school in Membertou and a gymnasium in Eskasoni. In the coming year, construction will begin on an education and cultural centre in Chapel Island, and the first class of the Mi'kmaq language immersion program will graduate from Allison Bernard Memorial High School in Eskasoni.

MK chair Chief Leroy Denny said the organization and its communities see Mi'kmaq student success as an expectation, not a hope.

"It's our passion, leadership and partnership that allows us to explore new opportunities for students, and re-visit and enhance existing operations and programs," Denny said.

The annual report can be viewed at the organization's website, www.kinu.ca.

Mi'kmaw Kina'matnewey is a unified team of chiefs, staff and educators advocating for Nova Scotian First Nation communities and protecting the education and Mi'kmaq language of the Mi'kmaq people.