New National Treaty Alliance proposing to force governments to respect First Nation treaties


Aboriginal leaders plan alternative to AFN for dealing with federal government


 Aboriginal leaders plan alternative to AFN for dealing with federal government

  Grand Chief Derek Nepinak of the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs displays a medal depicting the Indian Treaty as he marches to take part in a protest on Parliament Hill in January.

Photograph by: Fred Chartrand/The Canadian Press , Postmedia News

OTTAWA - In a clear challenge to the Assembly of First Nations, a group of aboriginal leaders will meet later this month in a bid to establish a rival group to deal with the federal government.

The July 14-18 National Treaty Gathering at Onion Lake First Nation in Saskatchewan is scheduled the same week as the AFN's annual general assembly, which is in Whitehorse.

The Onion Lake gathering aims to establish a new National Treaty Alliance that would focus on the treaties signed between First Nations and the Crown. Many aboriginal leaders say the federal government is trampling on treaty rights.

Leading the initiative is Manitoba Grand Chief Derek Nepinak, who led vocal opposition when AFN National Chief Shawn Atleo met with Prime Minister Stephen Harper earlier this year amid the heightened tensions of the indigenous Idle No more protests.

"The AFN maintains that it's effective in its approach, but nothing is coming out of its efforts with this government," Nepinak told Postmedia News. "When I look at what's been happening over the last number of months, and the limitations that we're seeing in terms of the AFN being able to advance a rights-based agenda, we've had to come up with an alternative."

Fundamental beliefs in treaty rights, Nepinak said, are "no longer reflected in the AFN and what it's capable of doing."

"When we look at a new alliance coming forward, we look at the need to rebuild a relationship that's based on respect and mutual responsibility, as opposed to a one-sided onslaught against the indigenous people of these lands," he said.

The new group could present a significant political challenge for Atleo. Indigenous grassroots protesters want to ramp up activities during the summer, and the AFN itself is grappling with a recent 30-per-cent cut to its project funding by the federal government.

The conflicting times for the two meetings may force some chiefs to choose between the two, although some delegates apparently hope to attend both.

Onion Lake Chief Wallace Fox says the AFN has "served its purpose."

"Our people here have been telling us get out of AFN ... and work on the basis of our treaty," he said.

Atleo, though, said he isn't concerned about the new alliance, saying there are many national organizations who advocate on First Nations issues and he's long supported gatherings to discuss treaties.

"My interest is to support the empowerment of First Nations to drive solutions," he said. "Rather than these be seen as threats, these need to be recognized as First Nations finding every way possible (to advocate for their issues), when we've got government who don't recognize our title and rights, when we have legislation that oversteps our title and rights."

The AFN's treaties portfolio holder, Saskatchewan Regional Chief Perry Bellegarde, will attend both meetings, Atleo said.

Nepinak downplayed any conflict.

"It's not about fighting anybody or focusing on a split in terms of AFN versus treaty alliance. It's nothing like that," he said. "I believe there's a lot of consistency in how we feel across the board, but where the differences arise is how to we recognize these issues."

Nepinak has mused about establishing a new organization for months. Last month, he led a motorcycle caravan through dozens of First Nations communities to light sacred treaty fires. Though he said there was some discussion of a national treaty alliance, it wasn't the focus of the trip.

It's not clear who chose the dates for their meeting first. The AFN says it announced its dates and location nearly a year ago, and that their annual meeting always occurs around the same time of year.

But Fox said Onion Lake picked the dates for its meeting first. Either way, Nepinak said, he encouraged the treaty gathering organizers not to change their plan.

"It really does mark an opportunity for our people at the grassroots level, at the community level, to see what platform that their leadership are going to stand on," he said. "Are they going to stand on an AFN-based policy agenda, collaboration with the federal government, or are they going to stand firm with us to set a new path forward?"

The AFN meeting features guest speakers such as former cabinet minister Jim Prentice, former Liberal MP Bob Rae and former AFN National Chief Ovide Mercredi. About 300 delegates have pre-registered.

Fox said the national treaty gathering will see at least 1,000 people. And he said the gathering, which will cost at least $250,000 to hold, isn't receiving any government funding.

The AFN receives about half of its funding from the federal government. Last month, the government cut 30 per cent of the AFN's project funding, and made cuts to other aboriginal groups.

"You can see where the government is heading with cutting off funding,"Fox said. "They think that cutting off funding to these organizations will stop and silence our people," he said.

" I think ... the resurgence of this national treaty alliance based on our own resources within the First Nations, and not funded by government, they won't be able to deal with us through the financial regime that they control First Nations with."