Nunavut Fibre Optic Feasibility Study highlights available options for fibre network into far north

Nunavut Fibre Optic Feasibility Study

Final Report This Nunavut Fibre Optic Feasibility Study report was commissioned by the Nunavut Broadband Development Corporation (NBDC) and subsequently executed by QINIQ INC (on behalf of NBDC) and Salter Global Consulting INC (SGC).

In turn, SGC engaged Ledcor Infrastructure Services and Imaituk Inc. as sub contractors.

The principal requirements of the study were:

1. To review current and anticipated fibre optic technologies and make recommendations for suitable deployment in Nunavut.

2. Review the status of arctic fibre network infrastructure, including proposed expansion initiatives up to 2020.

3. Review a minimum of 3 possible landing points in Nunavut.

4. To review the possible impact of fibre systems on service parity in Nunavut. This review is also to include the socioeconomic impact of a mixed telecommunications network in Nunavut, including possible overland distribution alternatives.

5. Provide recommendations for initiating and financing a fibre network in Nunavut, including Private Public Partnership (PPP, P3) alternative

PDF of full report

Prepared for the Nunavut Broadband Development Corporation (NBDC) March, 2012