Sioux Lookout Launches Resident Survey

In its ongoing commitment to accountability, transparency and
meaningful citizen engagement, the Municipality of Sioux Lookout, via its
Economic Development Commission, is launching a resident survey to
assess residents' views of local shopping experiences, the availability and
suitability of programming and special events, and community safety.
Residents are invited to complete the survey between April 22nd and May
22, 2013.
Economic Development Commission Chair, Brad Hyslop, commented,
"Being the ‘Hub of the North,' Sioux Lookout is part of a greater regional
area with a large number of people commuting and traveling to Sioux
Lookout every day, and as such residents of our surrounding communities
are also invited and encouraged to participate. "
The current survey will add to the data and findings from a similar process
undertaken in 2008. Five years ago the Economic Development
Commission invited the public to complete a Resident Survey which
focused on shopping experiences in the downtown core and potential
uses for the Heritage Railway Station. The information gathered from the
survey was used to help understand residents' concerns and identify
opportunities for improvement and enhancement. In response to the
survey results, the Municipality has undertaken several projects and
community improvements, including the revitalization of two anchor
properties in the downtown core (Centennial Centre and the Heritage
Railway Station), infrastructure improvements, and community
beautification initiatives such as street signs, banners, CN underpass
improvements and public art. These investments have also spurred façade
improvements to business' operating in the downtown core which have
created a climate for business expansion and new business development.
If any groups, businesses, organizations or individuals would like more
information on economic development initiatives, or to obtain copies of
the survey results, please contact Florence Bailey, Economic Development
Officer or visit our website at