NAN working with Voices for Children on Suicide Preventation strategy

"The greatest omission in the work that I see is that it fails to stress the reality that most of the mental health disorders affecting Canadians today begin in childhood and adolescence. Failure to recognize this fact leads us to dealing with a stage-four cancer, often with major secondary effects, instead of a stage-one or stage-two disease. Like obesity, mental health issues, if not addressed early in life, threaten to bankrupt our health care system. "

Diane Sacks, Out of the Shadows at Last: Transforming Mental Health, Mental Illness and Addiction Services in Canada. Final Report of The Standing Senate Committee on Social Affairs, Science and Technology, May 2006, p. 135

September 21, 2006

Stigma is a serious issue affecting children and youth with mental health difficulties and families beleaguered by a fragmented system

Research shows that perhaps up to 20% of Canadian children and youth are living with mental illness. In Ontario, many of these children have trouble in school.

Whether they are being teased by their peers or waiting on long lists for referral and treatment, these children and families live every day with the stigma and shame that goes hand in hand with mental illness and mental health problems.

Can stigma be reduced? Could our schools become the solution? The Provincial Centre of Excellence for Child and Youth Mental Health invites all of us to work together to find out.

Read the full report: Sticks and Stones: Breaking the stigma of child and youth mental health difficulties through our schools

New from The Seventh Generation Project: events to mark International Suicide Awareness and Prevention Week in Nishnawbe Aski Nation (NAN) communities

"There is a suicide epidemic where I live in Northwestern Ontario." Find out what the NAN Decade Youth Council and VOICES are doing to commemorate Yellow Ribbon International Suicide Awareness and Prevention Week.

And, read the recent youth report on the suicide epidemic in First Nations communities and what they're doing about it.

Visit The Seventh Generation website

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is a registered charity dedicated to promoting the well-being of Ontario's young people. We disseminate knowledge and ideas to influence public awareness, policy and practice. We produce the information you need to know.

We welcome your comments and suggestions. Please contact: Cathy Vine, Executive Director, tel: 416-489-5485 or email:

Voices for Children is proud to acknowledge our sustaining partners: Child Development Institute, the Margaret and Wallace McCain Family Foundation and Scotia Capital.

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NAN Decade for Youth Promotes Suicide Prevention and Awareness

Posted by: Communications and Media

NAN Decade for Youth and Development kicked off events recognizing the 12th Annual Yellow Ribbon Suicide Prevention and Awareness week during a news conference in Thunder Bay Monday September 18, 2006.

Click Here for a full schedule of events of Yellow Ribbon Suicide Prevention and Awareness Week September 18-23, 2006

Some of the events taking place during the Yellow Ribbon Suicide Prevention and Awareness Week include youth forums and roundtable discussions on suicide prevention, ceremonial yellow balloon launch for NAN members lost to suicide, and powwow.

NAN Decade for Youth and Development is a 2001 initiative declaring an entire decade to empowering and mentoring youth within NAN territory. Suicide prevention is one of many focuses of the program which launched the We Care Yellow Balloon campaign in March.

Voices for Children promotes the well-being of children and youth in Ontario by disseminating information to influence policy, practice and awareness.

There have been 19 suicides in NAN territory this year. There were 25 suicides in 2005 which is almost double the national average.