online space for health information, services and advice provides Ontarians with a world-leading web destination for trusted health information, services and advice for healthier living. annually receives over 2 million visits and is increasing as more people feel empowered to manage their health, discover their options, and connect to services and people that can help them on their path to wellness. provides quick and easy access to health information. The Ontario Ministry of Health Promotion created, which launched in October 2002, as way to demonstrate the ministry's commitment to providing trusted health information to help the people of Ontario to live healthier lives.

This is from a media release from Ontario's Health Promotion Minister Jim Watson ....

Ontarians can now access information on nutrition and healthy eating through a new, province-wide online service called EatRight Ontario, part of the existing, highly-acclaimed website, EatRight Ontario includes an online resource which will allow people to ask specific nutrition related questions and receive feedback.

"Access to reliable nutrition information is key to promoting good health," said Minister Watson. "In addition to programs such as the Northern Fruit and Vegetable Pilot Program, which has a strong educational component, we are also developing additional information resources for Ontarians who are seeking to improve their health and quality of life through healthy, nutritious eating."

"This pilot project supports our local agri-food industry by promoting the consumption of fresh, high quality Ontario produce," said Leona Dombrowsky, Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs. "It also gives schoolchildren the opportunity to choose healthier snacks."

"Fruit and vegetable consumption is associated with better health. Research indicates that it's important to develop healthy eating habits early in life," said Dianne Oickle, Chair, Ontario Society of Nutrition Professionals in Public Health. According to the recent Canadian Community Health Survey, the 59 per cent of Canadian children and youth aged 2 to 17 who reported consuming fruit and vegetables less than five times a day were significantly more likely to be overweight or obese than those who ate fruit and vegetables more frequently."

The Northern Fruit and Vegetable Pilot Program is one of the new programs that has come out of Ontario's Action Plan for Healthy Eating and Active Living, launched by the government in June. The Action Plan responds to key findings in the Chief Medical Officer of Health's report entitled Healthy Weights, Healthy Lives, which called for a broad, province-wide effort across sectors and communities to combat obesity. The government's $10 million action plan offers new programs and strategies, and builds on existing ones to support healthy eating and active living in Ontario.