Aboriginal Peoples Choice Music Awards - vote online for the finalists


Until 11:59 PM CDT, October 13th, 2006

Click here to see the APCMA NOMINEES

The APC Music Awards (http://aboriginalpeopleschoice.com) is the only event where you, the fans, have the opportunity to choose which artist will be honoured in each category. Be a part of Canadian Aboriginal music history - sign up today to cast your vote. Online voting, world wide, begsn September 13, 2006.

The Aboriginal Peoples Choice Music Awards is the first awards show of its kind. It provides an opportunity to showcase Aboriginal music to the rest of the world and to expose Aboriginal recording artists to a national fan base, music industry, and media.

This inaugural event will serve to give Aboriginal artists increased profile, and bring the artists, industry and fans closer together. A four-year plan is in place for Manito Ahbee and the Aboriginal Peoples Choice Music Awards.

The Awards show will take place at the MTS Centre in Winnipeg, MB on Friday Nov 3, 2006 starting at 7:00 PM (click here for online ticket purchases). Manitoba Lotteries is the Presenting Sponsor in the inaugural year, with a financial commitment towards the festival and awards show.

Click here to learn more about the 109 music artists profiled on the site (listen to clips of their music)