Sandy Lake First Nation youth receive hockey gear from southern Ontario


Teacher and dad score hockey gear for First Nation kids

By Staff Torstar News Service Share this Article Tweet Torstar News Service Alex Welker, at Play It Again Sports in Whitby, collected and shipped used hockey equipment to the kids of Sandy Lake First Nation.

Anyone who knows a hockey player or has a hockey-playing child knows that equipment is a necessary, costly and constant investment.

Alex Welker, 49, has been coaching hockey for more than 20 years. For a time, he coached his son, Tyler, who recently got his first teaching job and moved to the Sandy Lake First Nation in August.

Tyler, 24, remarked to his father how the reserve, 600 kilometres north of Thunder Bay, has a top-notch arena, but not all the children had the equipment required to make use of it.

So at the beginning of October, the elder Welker put the word out that he was looking for used hockey equipment to send up to the reserve.

"I think most people would like to do good; they just don't have an avenue to do it," he said.

He began stockpiling the equipment in his garage. Last week, over 400 items destined for Sandy Lake left Welker's Little Britain, Ont., home, including 70 pairs of skates.

Welker insists there wasn't much effort on his part - the news he was looking for hockey equipment spread by word of mouth and the goods came pouring in. His contribution consisted of "a little bit of time and asking for a few favours," he said.

NJ5, an organization named for a local hockey player who passed away over the summer, helped organize and solicited donations. The owners of the Whitby Fury, the hockey team Welker currently coaches, also helped out, along with Kawartha Lake Sports and the Play It Again Sports in Whitby.

Gord Miller, who co-owns Kawartha Lake Sports with his son, said that when the store gets to the point where they don't need to buy used equipment from customers, they will suggest people leave such items behind to be given away.

"People are very generous, when it comes to a cause like this, they really are," he said.

"They just want to see it used, and that's the bottom line. And if you can help somebody out, most people are really generous that way."

Welker approached a friend who works for Canpar and asked if they could help get the equipment to Sandy Lake. The company ships to Thunder Bay and agreed to drive the equipment there for free in its truck, which is seldom full.

From Thunder Bay, the equipment was flown into Sandy Lake on Wasaya Airlines, also free.

Last Wednesday, an event was held in the school gym where kids and adults could come and peruse the items, followed by a community skating party so the players could try out their new equipment.

Tyler said in an email that the event went smoothly, and added jokingly that he was worried he'd need a referee to break up any fights over the equipment.

"Their reactions were priceless; they were all so excited and very thankful," he wrote.

Some of the children showed up to get new equipment, but others came to pick out their first pair of skates.

"You don't think in Canada ... it's almost like owning a Canadian flag, a pair of skates," said Alex.

Will they do it again? Miller hopes so. Welker said he might, if his son is still in Sandy Lake next year to facilitate the transfer. All involved agree it was well worth the invested effort.