Kwayaciiwin Education Resource Centre announces new Executive Director, Matthew Angees




Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Former teacher set to helm language preservation education centre

SIOUX LOOKOUT, ON - Matthew Angees has 30 years of experience working with the field of education. And it's that experience that garnered the Wunnimun Lake member his newest role. Angees is set to take the reins of the Kwayaciiwin Education Resource Centre (KERC) as its interim executive director beginning Jan. 7, 2013. His term will last one year.

Angees is honoured by the appointment.

"I will be fully committed to the success of mobilizing the vision of KERC," he said.

"I had the privilege to study at both Confederation College and Lakehead University to become a teacher in 1984 - A career and position that has been my passion ... I firmly believe it is my destiny to be involved in education as envisioned by my parents."

KERC was created in 2003 to develop and provide bilingual/bicultural education programs, and given the task of training educators, including principals, education directors and local education authorities. All in a concerted effort to close an education gap that saw First Nation high school students trailing academically by two to five years.

The First Nation-driven Centre of Excellence serves 21 communities in northwestern Ontario and is based in Sioux Lookout, Ont.

For more information, please contact:

Eugene Southwind, Human Resources Officer, KERC



Christina Meekis, Board Chair, KERC

BIOGRAPHY - Matthew Angees

It is an honour to accept the appointment to serve as interim executive director for Kwayaciiwiin Education Resource Centre (KERC). The appointment is only for one year as approved by Shibogama First Nations Council Chiefs. I will be fully committed to the success of mobilizing the vision of KERC.

I am a member of Wunnumin Lake First Nation. Currently, I live in Sioux Lookout with my three sons and daughter. I am currently employed by Shibogama First Nation Council as an Education Liaison Officer. I have been involved in all aspects of education at the  local, district, regional and national levels.

I had the privilege to study at both the Confederation College and Lakehead University to become a teacher in 1984. A career and position that has been my passion as a First Nation educator in Sioux Lookout district. I firmly believe it is my destiny to be involved in education as envisioned by my parents.

I am an Anshiniimowiin specialist. I am fluent and can read and write in syllabics and knowledgeable in immersion programs. I was instrumental in the preparation, development and implementation of the Shibogama Bi-lingual & Bi-cultural curriculum in 1996. I am committed to the preservation and rejuvenation of Anshiniimowiin language.

Some highlights in my career as an educator and leader (1978-2012):
- introduced to education as a classroom assistant & supply teaching
- started teaching in 1984 in Wunnumin Lake
- taught grades 1/2 and 5/6
- alternative education program teacher
- teaching principal
- principalship
- education director at Wunnumin Lake to 1999
- Joined Shibogama Education as the Language Program Coordinator in 2000
- Northern Nishnawbe Education Council (NNEC)Executive Director for 4 and half years
- Shibogama Education Advisor / Education Liaison Officer
- I manage and supervise the new Shibogama Off-Reserve Secondary Student Support Services Program.

I have about 30 years of experience in First Nation education and majority of it is in administration and management.

The most rewarding experience I had the honour of being involved in was the development and implementation of the Shibogama Bi-lingual & Bi-cultural curriculum titled "Languages Together" in 1996.

I have been involved in various education committees and boards too: local school committees, language committees, recreation committees, NNEC Board, Shibogama Education Board, District Education Coodinators, KERC Board, Nishnawbe Aski Nation Education Committee, Oski Board Member and Shibogama Education Jusidiction
Negotiation Committee, BOFF (Band Operated Formula Funding) Working Group, etc.

I was instrumental in the smooth transition and development of the Shibogama Off-Reserve Secondary Student Support Program policies and procedures as well as assisting Keewaytinook Okimakanak too. I developed and negotiated the generic tuition
agreements to hold the school boards accountable.

I am a founder of Kwayaciiwin Education Resource Centre and believe in the vision.

I will continue to advocate, lobby and strive for improvement and betterment in all First Nations communities for the sake of all of our precious children to the best of my ability.