Fort Severn First Nation hosting Minister Duncan, Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development


FORT SEVERN, ONTARIO (August 9, 2012) - The Honourable John Duncan, Minister of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development, along with Fort Severn First Nation Chief Matthew Kakekaspan and Parliamentary Secretary Greg Rickford, announced today funding for a new elementary school at Fort Severn First Nation. This investment is being supported by Economic Action Plan 2012  .

"In Economic Action Plan 2012, the Harper Government committed to improving school infrastructure on reserves," said Minister Duncan. "Today we celebrate the first school infrastructure announcement under Economic Action Plan 2012, a demonstration of our Government's commitment to working with First Nation partners across Canada to deliver tangible and lasting results for First Nation students."

"The construction of a new elementary school for our community is very welcome news, as it will give hope and encouragement for our youngest students, who represent our future. The school will help to support their long-term educational success through this important infrastructure initiative," said Chief Matthew Kakekaspan.

"The school will have many benefits for the community. Not only will it provide students with the quality facility that they require to achieve educational and personal success, but it will also create employment and training opportunities during the construction phase," said Mr. Rickford.

This project is part of the $175 million for new schools and major renovations included in the Government's Economic Action Plan 2012 commitments to First Nation education. Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada continues to make major investments in the order of $200 million annually to support school infrastructure in First Nations communities across the country.

The Fort Severn First Nation is responsible for managing all aspects of this project including administration. Project costs will be finalized once the competitive tendering process has been completed.

Education infrastructure investments such as the new elementary school for the Fort Severn First Nation demonstrate that the Government of Canada values the benefits of safe and productive learning environments for First Nation students. While good progress to improve on-reserve learning environments will be made through these investments, the Government recognizes that more needs to be done. Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada is targeting these investments to ensure that priority is given to projects with the highest infrastructure needs.

Fort Severn First Nation is located on the southwest coast of Hudson Bay, approximately 830 kilometers (by air) north of Thunder Bay, Ontario. The First Nation has a membership of approximately 621, with an on-reserve population of approximately 492 members.


For more information, please contact:

Minister's Office 
Jan O'Driscoll 
Press Secretary 
Office of the Honourable John Duncan

Media Relations

Aboriginal Affairs and Northern
Development Canada


Please be advised the Honourable John Duncan, Minister of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development, will make an important announcement related to First Nation education. Minister Duncan will be joined by Fort Severn Chief Matthew Kakekaspan.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Time : 
11:30 a.m. EDT

Fort Severn First Nation Youth Centre