Celebrate Today - International Day of the World's Indigenous People

AFN press release

Assembly of First Nations National Chief Celebrates World Indigenous Day

OTTAWA, Aug. 9, 2012 /CNW/ - Assembly of First Nations (AFN) National Chief Shawn A-in-chut Atleo today acknowledged the United Nations International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples, highlighting the need for and benefits of political and economic participation of Indigenous peoples here in Canada and around the globe.

"On a day that we celebrate the cultures, traditions and languages of Indigenous peoples around the world, we recognize the important shared histories and experiences of all Indigenous peoples globally and the importance of our rights and responsibilities to environmental sustainability and the planet's survival now and in the future," said AFN National Chief Shawn Atleo.  "First Nations across Canada continue to press the federal government to work with us to advance the standards articulated in the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples which set out a guide for respecting and implementing Indigenous rights, responsibilities and jurisdiction to achieve self-governance, environmental and economic sustainability and self-sufficiency through mutual respect and partnership. We join our voices in full support and encouragement to all Indigenous peoples in their efforts and their particular struggles to achieve these goals."

The International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples is commemorated annually on August 9 in recognition of the first meeting of the United Nations Working Group on Indigenous Populations held in Geneva in 1982. The International Day was first proclaimed by the General Assembly in December 1994.

This year's theme, "Indigenous Media, Empowering Indigenous Voices", speaks to the importance of Indigenous media and Indigenous voices in challenging stereotypes, and aims to help forge Indigenous identities and effective communication to influence the social and political agenda.

Check out the live web cast of a special event at UN Headquarters in New York today featuring speakers and videos from Indigenous media organizations at http://webtv.un.org/.  You can also follow regular updates on Twitter at #UNIndigenousDay.

The Assembly of First Nations is the national organization representing First Nations citizens in Canada.  Follow AFN on Twitter at @AFN_Updates @AFN_Comms.


For further information:

Jenna Young, Assembly of First Nations Communications Officer 613-241-6789, ext 401 or cell: 613-314-8157 or e-mail jyoung@afn.ca


AMARC network supports the International Day of the World Indigenous Peoples

Montreal, August 13, 2012. The World Association of Community Radio Broadcasters (AMARC) celebrated the International day of the World Indigenous Peoples, which is held every August 9th, with an international broadcast campaign as well as a declaration. The 2012 theme, set by the General Assembly of the United Nations within the framework of the Decade for action and dignity, was : "Indigenous media: empowering the indigenous voices". To listen to our broadcast campaign, please visit our podcast section.

AMARC published a declaration regarding this day, in which you can read: "Indigenous peoples are the most impoverished and stripped sectors of the globalization era. We urge for a full respect of the integrity and life of indigenous peoples who are fighting for the right to land. This right is a fundamental right to culture that represents integrated and fair values and forms of development in concordance with the Earth, whose sovereignty lies in the value of their forms of development often conflicting with hegemonic cultural models..." Read more

Community radios throughout the world participated in this broadcast campaign: we received more than 80 programs from several countries in 17 languages (Spanish, French, Deutch, English, Tharu, Gurung, Majhi, Tarang, Danuwar, Maithili, Darai, Wichi, Toba, Guarani, Mooré, Dioula and Aymara). To listen to our programs, please visit our podcast section. For further information, we invite you to visit our webpage. Radio stations around the globe are invited to download the audio files and broadcast them in their radio.

Through service to members, networking and project implementation, the World Association of Community Radio Broadcasters (AMARC), brings together a network of more than 4,000 community radios, Federations and community media stakeholders in more than 130 countries. The main global impact of AMARC since its creation in 1983, has been to accompany and support the establishment of a worldwide community radio sector that has democratized the media sector. AMARC advocates for the right to communicate at the international, national, local and neighbourhood levels and defends and promotes the interests of the community radio movement through solidarity, networking and cooperation. For further info, please visit our website at: http://www.amarc.org


Today is International Day of the World's Indigenous People


August 9 was first proclaimed International Day of the World's Indigenous People by the United Nations in 1994 to promote and protect the rights of the world's Indigenous population. This day also commemorates the achievements and contributions that Indigenous people make in the world. Today also marks the first time the UN Working Group on Indigenous Populations met in Geneva in 1982.

The focus of this year's International Day is "Indigenous Media, Empowering Indigenous Voices." The theme aims to highlight the importance of Indigenous media in challenging stereotypes, forging Indigenous peoples' identities, communicating with the outside world, and influencing the social and political agenda.


5 things you can do to celebrate International Day of the World's Indigenous People

People around the world are encouraged to participate in observing the day to spread the UN's message on Indigenous Peoples.


1.  Raise Awareness about Endangered Indigenous Languages.

Send an ePostcard Audio Greeting.  

Engage your friends and family and raise awareness about endangered languages by sending an e-postcard with a Native language audio greeting.  






2.  Make Your Voice Heard about Indigenous Peoples' Rights. 

Demand that Herkales Farm respect the rights of Oroko, Bakossi, and Upper Bayang peoples in Cameroon by stopping oil palm plantations from destroying the rainforests that Indigenous people depend on. Send an email.

take action now

3.  Watch a Live Webcast of the International Day Celebration at the UN Headquarters in NY. 2:30pm - 6:00pm EST. 

This special event at UN Headquarters in New York on August 9 will feature speakers and videos of Indigenous media organizations. On Twitter, use #UNIndigenousDay for regular updates and for sending questions to panel members in the days leading up to and during the event. Watch it here:





4.  Support Cultural Survival's work with Indigenous Peoples. Make a gift today. Our work is only possible because of people like you, who believe in and support our mission to partner with Indigenous Peoples to defend their lands, languages, and cultures.  


give now 




5. Spread the Word! One of the easiest and most effective things you can do is raise awareness about Indigenous Peoples. Forward, post this message on facebook, or tweet it! 



As always, we welcome your comments. Please send your feedback and suggestions to agnes@cs.org.

Cultural Survival is a global leader in the fight to protect Indigenous lands, languages, and cultures around the world. In partnership with Indigenous Peoples, we advocate for Native communities whose rights, cultures, and dignity are under threat. For more information go to www.cs.org