KIHS hosting online graduation celebration with First Nation graduates and families

What a special day it is for First Nation students that make the choice to stay in their home communities to complete their High School program and finally see their dream realized!

There are 10 students graduating with their Grade 12 diploma this year from the Keewaytinook Internet High School (

These students have all made the choice to remain in their home communities to be with their families and do the work required to successfully complete their High School course requirements!

Their graduation ceremony is scheduled to start at 1:30PM CDT (2:30PM EDT) on Thursday, June 7th.

Everyone is invited to watch the ceremony by video conference or online.

Please contact Lyle Johnson if you are able to join by videoconference.

This event is also being streamed live on the internet via Adobe Connect, where you may watch and pass your messages on to the graduates at

Please try to join this celebration ... (and feel free to pass this announcement on to any colleagues that may be interested in attending)