NAHO's Journal - Call for Abstracts - Aboriginal women's health fall issue

The Journal of Aboriginal Health
Published by the
National Aboriginal Health Organization

*NEW* Journal of Aboriginal Health Call for Abstracts

View poster: Call for Abstracts - Aboriginal women's health (pdf)

Deadline for receipt of abstracts is October 15, 2006. Direct inquiries to  

The Journal of Aboriginal Health will share traditional knowledge, success stories, issues, new information, and the latest research results. It will publish in-depth analysis of health research and issues with full citation of sources; facilitate informed discussions of new research, recent publications and projects; and explore health determinants with Aboriginal approaches.

The Journal is published by the National Aboriginal Health Organization. The goal of the Journal is to cultivate a dynamic community of those concerned with Aboriginal health matters through information exchange, networks and partnerships while contributing to the critical thinking and learning process. Ultimately, the Journal will lead to improved health and increased capacity and participation of Aboriginal People in health care fields.

The primary audience will be Aboriginal community members including traditional healers; Aboriginal health care practitioners and practitioners in health care for Aboriginal People; and Aboriginal health organizations. Other readers will include Aboriginal community, tribal, treaty, and national political organizations; Aboriginal health scholars and researchers; people who influence and determine Aboriginal health research and policy including politicians, public servants, consultants, think tanks, and foundations; and those outside of Canada who are interested in Aboriginal health issues.

Each issue of the Journal of Aboriginal Health will feature a theme. A Guest Editor will solicit appropriate papers from a variety of perspectives. Each Guest Editor is an expert in the subject area and has an established network of contacts in the field. They are responsible for acquiring and evaluating submissions before papers are sent to peer review.

The Journal of Aboriginal Health will be available online on the National Aboriginal Health Organization's Web site at  For more information, contact

Journal of Aboriginal Health, January 2004, Volume 1, Issue 1

Journal of Aboriginal Health, March 2005, Volume 2, Issue 1

NAHO Journal Guidelines

Plain Language Guidelines

Writing Style Guidelines

Terminology Guidelines