Federal government consultations on post-secondary education till Sept 8

A message from Jean Crowder, MP for Nanaimo-Cowichan, NDP Critic for Aboriginal Affairs encouraging everyone to share their thoughts about HRSDC's online consultations concerning Post-secondary Education in Canada.


I wanted to make sure you were aware of consultations the federal government is conducting right now on post-secondary education. They want to gather Canadians' opinions on the objectives, roles and accountability for post-secondary education and training. The deadline for submissions is September 8, 2006.

You can view the website at http://www3.hrsdc.gc.ca/ . The main themes of the consultation are:

1. Objectives for post-secondary education (PSE) and training

  • What objectives should Canada aspire to for PSE and training?
  • Which objectives would you rank among the top three priorities for action?

2. Clarifying roles and responsibilities in PSE and training

  • Given what you have identified as objectives, what would be the most important roles for the Government of Canada to play?
  • Where would clarifying roles and responsibilities amongst governments be most helpful? Do you have advice on how these roles could best be defined?

3. Developing a framework for ensuring measurable results and accountability

  • What results would be most useful to measure in terms of PSE and training?
  • How could governments report on progress so that they are held accountable?

People can also submit their views by mail or fax.

This is part of the federal government's review of the fiscal imbalance. I believe it is important for the federal government to hear the perspective of First Nations, Métis and Inuit people on both the fiscal imbalance and post-secondary education and training. I ask that you forward this information to anyone you know who might be interested in making a submission. Details about the fiscal imbalance consultations can be found at http://www.fin.gc.ca/activty/consult/fiscbal_e.html .

Please note, this is a separate consultation from the Study on Education that the Standing Committee on Aboriginal Affairs will be conducting when the House returns on September 18th.

Yours truly,

Jean Crowder, MP
NDP Critic for Aboriginal Affairs