11th Annual National Cree Gathering 2006 in Moose Factory another success

The 2006 gathering in Moose Factory that took place from August 14 to 18 successfully wrapped up with a strong sense of Cree pride and cultural awareness.

From http://www.nationalcreegathering.ca/indexnew.php

The 11th Annual National Cree Gathering 2006 - Moose Factory, August 14 - 18

The purpose of this gathering is to provide an opportunity for our people in our area, especially our youth to observe, learn and to gain a better understanding of their own distinct Cree heritage. In conjunction with other Cree Nations on a national level, it is our hope to promote and preserve our unique traditional ceremonial practices, language and ways of our people that was eroded and slowly phased out over the years.

It is imperative that we all make an effort to understand and help maintain our traditional knowledge, language and practices of our ancestors for the benefit of our children, grandchildren and future generations yet unborn. It is important and incumbent upon us today to ensure that they be provided with an opportunity to connect with who they are, where they come from and to be proud of who they are as Cree people. This is the cornerstone of how we may be able to heal and to regain our strength and unity as a proud and strong people, and to stand again as a strong Cree Nation.

"As Crees we have a very rich history. We have an abundance of ceremonies, customs, values and beliefs as a people. The Creator has blessed our people with many gifts- beautiful gifts of creation such as the land and animals to live together in harmony. Our people have been misunderstood, our history has been distorted, but we must come together to remind our people of our original instruction as a people- the original instruction we have from our creator. We must reflect on the past, the many hardships of our people have endured in order to survive as a people. Where we stand today and where we are going in the future."

Check out the stories about this gathering in the Timmins Daily Press:

  •  Youth travel from Manitoba to see National Cree Gathering - Scott Paradis, August 21, 2006 - There's no destination too far for a group of Manitoba youths.
    The group of 10 arrived in Moose Factory from their Nisichawayasihk Cree Nation, Man., home after a more than a 30-hour drive, a four-hour train ride, a 20-minute boat taxi and a three-minute land cab. .... READ MORE ...
  • Cree Gathering wraps up in Moose Factory - Scott Paradis, August 19, 2006 - Flames from the sacred fire began to fizzle shortly into the noon hour Friday.
    The fire, prepared for the 2006 National Cree Gathering in Moose Factory, kept burning throughout the entire celebration, which began Monday. Nighttime showers, high winds and events diverting attention elsewhere did little to threaten the symbolic flames. READ MORE ...
  • Cree Gathering underway in Moose Factory - Scott Paradis, August 16, 2006 - Cree people of the James Bay Coast should take a cultural lesson from the West, a First Nation Chief said.
    Moosonee First Nation Chief Patricia Faries-Akiwenzie said she hopes the 2006 National Cree Gathering will be the first portion of that lesson. .... READ MORE ...
  • Gathering participants remember tougher times - http://www.timminspress.com/webapp/sitepages/content.asp?contentID=158270&catname=Local+News