NAN Youth PhotoVoice Contest & Facebook Draw

Nishnawbe Aski Nation (NAN) is looking for your story told through images and words.

The purpose of the NAN PhotoVoice Project is to collect photoVoice stories from NAN youth who wish to share what being a First Nations person means to them. Photographs and stories should describe what being a First Nations person in Canada means to you.

Enter the NAN Youth Facebook Draw for another chance to win.

To enter, simply type “NAN Youth Page” on Facebook, join the group, and you will be automatically be entered to win.

Prizes include Acer laptop computers, Apple iPods and Canon digital cameras.

The NAN Youth Draw and PhotoVoice Contest are open to both on and off-reserve NAN Youth, 29 years old and under. You can also submit your PhotoVoice entry without using Facebook.

The entry deadline for both the draw and contest is March 31, 2012.

The winners will be announced after April 5, 2012.

For more information about these contests or to submit PhotoVoice entries send questions/submissions to Stephan Kudaka, Oshkaatisak (Young People’s Council) Coordinator, at or call toll free at 1(800) 465-9952. Visit for complete contest rules.