Nominations for top "Intelligent Communities" being accepted

Now is the chance to get your community included as an "Intelligent Community". This process highlights the importance of being connected in today's world. Check out the nomination process at

For more information, read the following two stories that highlight events that are celebrating these Intelligent Communities.

ICF to Honor Smart 21, Name Top Seven Intelligent Communities at PTC '07

The Intelligent Community Forum will name the Smart 21 Communities of the Year on November 10, based on applications received from hundreds of communities around the world. The application process opens on August 14, 2006, with nomination criteria and forms available on the ICF Web site. In January, ICF will name seven these 21 as its Top Seven Intelligent Communities of the Year at PTC '07 in January. The Smart 21 and Top Seven are communities that serve as role models for the development of competitive local economies and healthy societies in today's global "broadband economy."

On January 15, ICF will honor the Smart 21 during an elegant, invitation-only reception at PTC '07 in Honolulu in January. Attendees from the top ranks of telecommunications, information technology and government will enjoy an evening of fine dining and beverages and an introduction to the Smart 21. Then, on January 16, ICF will announce its Top Seven Intelligent Communities of 2007.

PTC '07: Beyond Telecom, will explore the critical technology, business and policy issues created by the accelerated and continued convergence of communication and entertainment services on IP. Click here to for program information and to register for PTC '07.

ICF Executive Director to Keynote at eCommunity Summit, August 22-25

ICF Executive Director Robert Bell will present the keynote speech on "Intelligent Communities: Leveraging IT investment for Economic Growth," at the Innovation Groups' eCommunity Summit in Las Vegas on August 22.

The second annual eCommunity Summit "Preparing Communities For The Next Wave Of Technologically Advanced Citizens & Businesses," caters to a spectrum of local government technology issues such as broadband economy developments, creating regional municipal consortiums, and future tense applications.

In today's connected world, broadband connectivity makes irrelevant the traditional economic strengths - and weaknesses - of location, population and natural resources. In his keynote address, Robert Bell will outline the principles for collaboration and provide examples of communities that have leveraged IT and economic investments in order to multiply the impact of both. Copies of the presentation are available by contacting Robert Bell at

Click here for more information on the Innovation Groups' eCommunity Summit.  

Intelligent Community Forum
55 Broad Street, 14th Floor, New York, NY 10004 USA