Federal gov't looking for feedback on GRANTS and CONTRIBUTIONS processes

There is a short window of opportunity (until September 15) to provide YOUR opinion about the grants and contributions being made by the federal government. See the links below for more information ...

From the Blue Panel web site at http://brp-gde.ca/en/

"We urge you to take part in our consultation process. Since the Panel was officially announced on June 6, 2006 we have been busy gathering information and getting feedback from both within government and the public at large on issues touching on how to develop a better grants and contributions relationship for better results all round. As we have been asked to provide our recommendations by December 2006, we have a short window of opportunity to reach out to you.

Our goal as a Panel is to make recommendations on the future of grants and contributions and transfer payments in Canada. The goal of our "workbook" is to enable you to take part in developing options and recommendations for the future through identifying challenges, possible solutions and best practices.

Consultation Process  (The Online workbook will be available from August 2 to September 15)

Step 1 - Review the Consultation Paper (PDF document)

Step 2 - REGISTER, to take part in the Consultation Process

Step 3 - To have your opinion heard, complete your WORKBOOK

Step 4 - Optional - Upload a Submission