Canadian Red Cross Society requesting proposals to establish Northern First Nations Satellite Office


TO: First Nations Communities & Leadership, Northern Ontario  

FROM: Melanie Goodchild-Southwind, Senior Manager, First Nations Projects 

SUBJECT: Request for Proposals #9/11, Northern First Nations Satellite Office 


DATE: February 7, 2012


The mission of the Canadian Red Cross Society is: To improve the lives of vulnerable people by mobilizing the power of humanity in Canada and around the world.  On October 20th, 2011 the Canadian Red Cross society, Ontario Zone (CRC) announced receipt of a significant donation from the Paterson Foundation to support the First Nations Initiative of the CRC in the province of Ontario.  A cornerstone of this Initiative is the establishment of an on-reserve satellite office in both the southern and northern regions of Ontario.  This memo is to notify First Nation communities in Northern Ontario that we have today issued a formal Request for Proposals (RFP #9/11) to identify one First Nation community in the north that is interested in facilitating the establishment of an on-reserve satellite office. 

The goal of the CRC First Nations Initiative is to establish respectful and equal partnerships with First Nations in Ontario.  At the annual Special Chiefs Assembly in November of 2010 the Chiefs passed Resolution #10/29 supporting collaborative work between Chiefs in Ontario and the Canadian Red Cross in Ontario.  The CRC, based upon Resolution #10/29, with this Request for Proposals (RFP #9/11) is seeking interest from a Northern First Nation community with a strong desire to support the establishment of a CRC satellite office to be located in that First Nation.  This flagship office will service local community members and the community members of surrounding First Nations and others. 

The complete  RFP document is available electronically by contacting  Bill Rostek, Director of Procurement at the National Office (613) 740-1900 or  All interested proponents are required to submit Schedule “E” the RESPONSE NOTIFICATION FORM to the CRC by Friday, March 9th, 2012 by 4pm EST.  A mandatory bidder’s teleconference for all interested Proponents is scheduled for March 14th, 2012  from 2pm to 3pm EST to allow all First Nations communities the opportunity to ask questions relevant to the RFP.   The closing time for submission of your written proposal is Thursday, April 12th, 2012, 4pm EST.  Thank you for your antiicipated interest in this important and exciting initiative. Meegwetch.