Crown - First Nations Gathering in Ottawa on January 23, 24 to include online participation

AFN press release

The Crown-First Nation Gathering is a major meeting between the Crown (the Prime Minister of Canada and senior Cabinet Ministers) and First Nation leadership.

The Crown-First Nation Gathering is an opportunity to come together as partners – as our ancestors did at the time of Treaty – to strengthen our relationship and set a path forward to give life to First Nations rights, build strong First Nation economies, boost First Nation education and foster healthy citizens and safe communities.

Crown - First Nation Gathering Backgrounder!

Please watch this website for more updates as we get closer to the event!

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Submit your question online.

What is it?

The Crown – First Nations Gathering is a meeting between the Prime Minister and First Nations. The Crown – First Nation Gathering is aimed at re-setting the relationship between First Nations and the federal government. This gathering represents the first meeting for Prime Minister Stephen Harper with collective First Nation leadership.

Building directly on the historic statement of apology, the endorsement of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples as well as the Specific Claims Tribunal and the creation of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, the Crown – First Nation Gathering creates the next step to move our relationship forward.

How did the meeting come about?

This meeting is a direct result of a call from First Nations to meet with the Crown. During the Annual General Assembly July 2010 in Winnipeg, discussion centered on First Nations advancing their rights and jurisdiction. As one of the principal suggestions of how to advance overall national advocacy and momentum in support of First Nation governments, the concept of a Crown – First Nations Gathering emerged. In December 2010 the Prime Minister sent a letter agreeing to the gathering taking place.

In June 2011 the Canada–First Nations Joint Action Plan was announced, which further committed to the gathering. The Joint Action Plan based on recognition of key milestones including Canada’s endorsement of the UN Declaration and commits to a constructive relationship based on the core principles of mutual understanding, respect, ensuring mutually acceptable outcomes and accountability.

Building on these important steps, we can reset the Crown – First Nation relationship in real terms. The Crown – First Nation Gathering is an important opportunity to respectfully engage and focus interaction and advancement of key interests for First Nations and all Canadians.

What is the agenda?

The Crown – First Nation Gathering provides us with an opportunity to move forward various mandates provided by Chiefs-in-Assembly. The Gathering is designed with three specific goals:

1. Renewing and affirming the relationship

2. Marking progress being achieved on key, agreed upon topic areas

3. Setting a future agenda through open dialogue and reflecting mutual interests

This means our broader interests in education, treaties, improving negotiations and policy reform, advancing First Nation governments, economic development and others will all be a focus.

The Crown – First Nation Gathering is also an opportunity to highlight future areas for consideration and exploration. Our goal is that this gathering signal the beginning of regular such gatherings confirming an interactive relationship that is responsive to mutual needs and interests.

The format of the Crown – First Nation Gathering may include:

Part One: Ceremony reflecting and affirming the enduring relationship between First Nations and the Crown as well as Indigenous peoples heritage and future as important aspect of Canadian reality, identity and culture.

Part Two: Opening addresses by Prime Minister and First Nation leadership

Part Three: Concurrent sessions on agreed-upon topics for submission by First Nation delegation and dialogue with members of Cabinet/caucus and officials as designated

Part Four: Setting forward looking agenda

How can First Nations participate?

It is recognized that not everyone is going to be able to come to Ottawa to participate, so extraordinary measures are being put in place to maximize everyone’s participation. Leading up to the Crown – First Nations Gathering an aggressive social media and online presence will be created to foster dialogue in the topics being discussed. We are reaching out to Chiefs to ensure that they can provide their input on the areas being discussed.

The Crown – First Nation Gathering itself will have the opening, plenary, key note address and final plenary webcast for all to observe. As with past AFN events, a live web-chat will take place to encourage as much discussion and dialogue as possible!

In addition, ten (10) regional video conference facilities are being identified to provide access to Chiefs regionally to participate in the breakout sessions. The AFN will be working with Regional Chiefs to help identify locations and facilitate access for every First Nation across Canada.

Finally, the gathering is just the beginning of the discussions and action. The AFN will be producing a series of short video clips from the Gathering and continuing to engage in dialogue online. The Crown – First Nation Gathering website will remain live for some time to be a gathering place for updates, documents and ongoing engagement.

AANDC press release


Crown-First Nations Gathering

January 16, 2012

Please be advised that the Right Honourable Stephen Harper, Prime Minister of Canada, the Honourable John Duncan, Minister of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development and other representatives of the Government of Canada will meet with Assembly of First Nations (AFN) National Chief Shawn A-in-chut Atleo and a delegation of First Nations Chiefs to discuss key priority areas, such as: Strengthening the Crown-First Nation Relationship and Enabling Opportunity; Unlocking the Potential of First Nation Economies; and Realizing the Promise of First Nations Peoples.

Event: Crown-First Nations Gathering

Date: January 24, 2012

Time: Registration to begin at 7:00 AM.

Location: 111 Sussex Drive, Ottawa, ON

Accreditation and Registration:

Entry is restricted to journalists accredited through the Canadian Parliamentary Press Gallery. For more information on accreditation, contact Terry Guillon, Chief of the Press Gallery, at 613-992-4511 or

Media representatives wishing to pick up their accreditation ahead of time will be able to do so at the Canadian Parliamentary Press Gallery office, located at 150 Wellington St., Ottawa, Ontario. The accreditations will be distributed in the 6th Floor Boardroom of the Press Gallery. A valid photo ID will be required in order to obtain your pass. The hours of operation will be as follows:

Monday, January 23, 2012 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M.

Please note that on the day of the event, media accreditations will also be available for pick-up on site.

Media Opportunities:

For planning purposes – Subject to change

7:00 AM Registration and Set-up. Entrance for media through side doors and media equipment through the back entrance

8:30 AM Arrivals of VIPs

9:00 – 10:30 AM Opening Ceremonies including Keynote Address

10:50 AM – 11:30 AM Speeches

3:50 PM Closing Ceremony and Remarks

4:15 PM Closing prayer

For more information, please contact:

Michelle Yao
Director of Communications
Office of the Honourable John Duncan

AANDC Media Relations Line

Assembly of First Nations

Alain Garon, Bilingual Communications Officer
613-241-6789, ext 382