Public Hearings in Ontario for Safe Drinking Water in First Nations

Submissions are invited to be presented at two public hearings of the Safe Drinking Water in First Nations Panel.

Region: ON-South - Toronto
9:00 am, August 8-9
InterContinental Hotel Toronto - Willard Room

Region: ON-North - Thunder Bay
9:00 am, August 22-23
Valhalla Inn - Ballroom 3

From the Safe Drinking Water web site at

To investigate the options for regulating water quality in First Nations communities, the expert panel will hold public hearings this summer in major centres across Canada. By August 31, the panel must complete a report that lists options and analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of each one.

During the public hearings, the panel will hear from First Nations representatives and others with experience in the drinking water and wastewater fields. If you wish to make a presentation, please contact the Panel Secretary.

The focus of these sessions is to gather views and information for the panel's consideration. The hearings will be informal, and open to both the public and media. In each centre where hearings are being held, there will be a session for presentations confirmed by the panel, followed by an open forum discussion.

Parties who are invited to make a presentation to the panel will receive a letter several weeks in advance. They will be asked to provide the panel with an outline of their presentation and an estimate of the time they will need.

Because of time constraints, the panel may not be able to provide invitations to everyone who asks, and may also have to limit the time allowed for invited presentations. Similarly, at the open forum sessions, presenters should be aware of the limited time available and respectful of others who would also like to speak. If time limits your spoken presentation, remember that the panel will accept written submissions up to August 31.