"Dare to Dream" program for youth (18 and under) provides $1000 for new ideas

One resource listed in the "Save culture, save lives," report is the The Provincial Centre of Excellence for Child and Youth Mental Health (http://www.onthepoint.ca/index_e.htm). Their "Dare to Dream" program is a model of a program that might be used in small communities across northern Ontario to support local youth to develop initiatives that contribute to their local community, their region and other young people.

Check out the Dare to Dream program at  http://www.daretodreamprogram.ca/index_e.htm - The Dare to Dream Program provides an opportunity for youth (18 years of age and under) to get involved in mental health awareness activities. If you can come up with a creative idea for a project, then we want to support you to make this happen. Successful applicants are awarded $1000 to do a project that promotes mental health awareness.

"Save culture, save lives,"say Aboriginal youth - Nishnawbe Aski Nation youth talk about the suicide epidemic in their communities and what they’re doing about it. Read the report