Native women on cross-country cycling trip raising awareness of family violence

Three women from the Mi'gmaq First Nation from the community of Listuguj, QC began their cross country cycling journey yesterday, leaving from Vancouver, BC. The Aboriginal Women on the Move-Cross Canada Cycle Tour ( is about making a difference and getting people involved .... "we want to raise awareness and bring attention to the social and health issues of family violence". The trip is sponsored in part by the National Aboriginal Circle Against Family Violence ( along with many other individuals, groups and communities.


Preparing for Launch : May 28th, 2006 in Vancouver

Greetings from the Listuguj Mi’gmaq First Nation….Home to the Aboriginal Women on the Move-Cross Canada Cycle Tour 2006

Cycling to End Family Violence

Time is fast approaching to the day we kick off from our pedals and start our cycling journey across Canada with our message in hand and in our hearts; to raise awareness and bring attention, initiate dialogue, share best practices and our goal to one day break the cycle of violence in our communities.   

Attached is the most recent revised Route and Date Schedule, there will be revisions depending upon what we experience along the way, visit our website and/or blog for any changes.

Aboriginal Women on the Move proudly announces that our “blog” is on-line at and you also link to the AWOTM blog through our website.  You will be able to follow our journey on a day-to-day basis, as we share our journey, our experiences.  

While on the road, AWOTM can be reached in a couple of ways; e-mail: , cell: (506)789-3369, Messages at Haven House: (418) 788-5544 and National Aboriginal Circle Against Family Violence: (613) 236 1844

Aboriginal Women on the Move greatly appreciates all the support and kind words of encouragement extended to us over the past two years as we planned and promoted the cycle tour.  Your support, encouragement and friendship have fuelled our spirit, determination and commitment to make a difference.

Share in the AWOTM Journey….Get Involved….Together Can We Make a Difference

  • Visit our website:
  • Tell your family and friends about “Aboriginal Women on the Move”
  • Download and post our flyer in your community and/or workplace
  • Support “AWOTM” through a donation or Sponsor a Kilometer…become a Friend of the Tour
  • In-Kind Contributions
  • Support your local Women Shelter
  • Organize an information session on family violence in your community and/or workplace
  • Denounce family violence and abuse….breaking the silence breaks the cycle!!!
  • Join us or visit with us as we cycle through your community/territory/region
  • Follow along our journey on our blog: