Shingwauk University established in partnership with Algoma University in SSM

Teachings of a 167-year-old wampum belt

By Carol Martin -
Saturday, May 20, 2006 -
A 167-year old wampum belt that once belonged to Chief Shingwauk wrapped around full circle at Garden River First Nation yesterday.

The belt's parallel rows of purple and white beads are the foundation of yesterday's agreement between Shingwauk Education Trust and Algoma University College, a historic covenant between Anishinabe and European peoples.

The Garden River Community Centre was filled to bursting with dignitaries, some decked out in full regalia to mark the historic signing.

Shown are Algoma University President Celia Ross and Shingwauk Education Trust President Darrell Boissoneau with the wampum.

Assembly of First Nations Grand Chief Phil Fontaine was there, as was former Minister of Northern and Indian Affairs Ron Irwin.

Even Sault Mayor John Rowswell made an appearance to express the City's support of the burgeoning partnership, all based on the wampum belt that came home after 167 years.

The purple row of beads represents the teachings, values and beliefs of the Anishinabe people and their boats, said Garden River Chief Lyle Sayers.

"The row of white beads represents the teachings of the settlers who came to this country and their tall ships," Sayers said.

He said that each row of beads is equal, signifying how the two peoples can advance in tandem with generous and plentiful cross-pollination of ideas and cooperation.

"It gives me great pleasure to know that an agreement is being signed with another university that will lead us into a new era," said Sayers, one of seven direct descendents of Chief Shingwauk who wtinessed yesterday's coventant-signing.

As reported earlier in, the covenant begins the process of creating two independent universities that will share the same space and resources.

Students will be able to enroll in either Algoma University or Shingwauk University and to take courses offered through either school.

Teachers, facilities and support services will be shared between the two universities but students will graduate from whichever university they enrolled in.

First Nations post-secondary education advocate Jerry Fontaine talked about the vision of Chief Shingwauk and the reason for the wampum.

"He [Chief Shingwauk] spoke to the importance of education 175 years ago and it is still important in 2006," said Fontaine. "Education can be one of the big cures for our social ills."

Fontaine said that, by signing the covenant, the people of Shingwauk Education Trust were looking back to move forward.

He and others who spoke yesterday remembered the pain and suffering of residential school survivors at Shingwauk Hall which later became Algoma University College.

"No amount of money can heal the damage done to so many First Nations people who were in residential schools," said Shingwauk Education Trust President Darrell Boissoneau.

The Shingwauk Covenant represents a start down a road to a place where they can begin to heal themselves, Boissoneau said.

"True evidence of our success will be when one of the grandchildren of Chief Shingwauk graduates from Shingwauk University," said Boissoneau.

Assembly of First Nations Grand Chief Phil Fontaine agreed, saying that education is the foundation for positive changes in aboriginal communities.

Fontaine talked about the need for more professional First Nations people - doctors, lawyers and such.

"We are poised to do great things through education," said Fontaine.

Bud Wildman, chairman of Algoma University's board of directors, said that people signing the covenant owe the residential school survivors a debt of responsibility to "make this work."

About four years ago, Garden River First Nation members first learned that the wampum belt Chief Shingwauk gave to Sir John Colbourne in 1838 to help get a school for Anishnabe in the area was up for auction at Sotheby's in New York.

"I tried to go through channels to get it released to us but they wouldn't let it go," said Sayers.

After getting the nod from Garden River Band Council to spend up to $50,000 U.S. to buy it, Sayers got on the phone and placed a bid.

"In about a minute $34,000 U.S. had been spent and the wampum was on its way back home," said Sayers. "But it wasn't about the money; it was about bringing the wampum back home."

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