Urban Aboriginal population receiving $77 million thru Friendship Centres

Press Release from Heritage Canada web site

National Association of Friendship Centres Receives Government Support

OTTAWA, May 18, 2006 - Beverley J. Oda, Minister of Canadian Heritage and Status of Women, today announced nearly $77 million in funding over four years for the National Association of Friendship Centres. This renewed contribution agreement will allow the National Association of Friendship Centres to continue managing and delivering programming for Aboriginal Friendship Centres, Urban Multipurpose Aboriginal Youth Centres, and Young Canada Works for Aboriginal Urban Youth.

"Friendship Centres have played a pivotal role in the delivery of community-focussed programs and services for Aboriginal Canadians," said Minister Oda. "This agreement will help build strong Aboriginal communities and vibrant Aboriginal cultures in Canada."

In the 2006-2007 fiscal year alone, the Department will provide $28,456,627 to support the core operations of 116 Friendship Centres across Canada. This funding will also support more than 100 community-based projects designed to help urban Aboriginal young people develop leadership skills and strengthen their cultural identity. It will also provide summer work experience to approximately 300 Aboriginal students and young people.

"I am especially pleased to see that much of this funding is being directed toward programs for Aboriginal young people, to help them make good life choices," said Jim Prentice, Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development and Federal Interlocutor for Métis and Non-Status Indians. "This is a concrete example of how this government is working to improve opportunities for Aboriginal Canadians living in cities."

Financial assistance is provided by the Department of Canadian Heritage through its Aboriginal Peoples' Program.

Funding announced today was built into the existing fiscal framework.


Robert Paterson
Director of Communications
Office of the Minister of Canadian Heritage
and Status of Women
819 997-7788

Donald Boulanger
A/Chief, Media Relations
Canadian Heritage
819 997-9314