imagineNATIVE Film + Media Arts Festival seeking submissions

The imagineNATIVE Film + Media Arts Festival is an international festival that celebrates the latest works by Indigenous peoples on the forefront of innovation in film, video, radio, and new media.

Each fall, the festival presents a selection of the most compelling, distinctive Indigenous works from around the globe.

The festival's screenings, parties, panel discussions, and cultural events attract and connect filmmakers, media artists, programmers, buyers, and industry professionals. The works accepted reflect the diversity of the world's Indigenous nations and illustrate the vitality and excellence of our art and culture in contemporary media.

We are currently seeking features, shorts, documentaries, dramas, comedies, animation by international and Canadian Indigenous filmmakers and producers. We are ALSO seeking radio programming and new media by Indigenous radio producers and new media artists/website designers.

We invite all genres and lengths and encourage submissions from first-time and emerging artists.

The film and video, new media and radio submissions forms are available on our website

The deadline is June 1, 2006 There is no entry fee.

The festival pays screening fees for programmed works.

For more information, please contact the festival office at 416.585.2333 or email, or visit our web site at