Upcoming Ontario First Nation Telehealth Conference hosted by Chiefs of Ontario

"Gii-Kaan-Don" (Aboriginal Know-How) : Balancing Culture and Technology - Bridging the Health and Wellness needs of First Nation Communities through Telehealth

Date: June 14-15, 2006

Location: In person (University of Toronto School of Information Technology) & Online (live video feed & online discussions).  

Online Registration and Pre-Conference Discussion - visit http://meeting.knet.ca and follow the directions to join the Conference web site. For assistance with the registration or participation, call or write Wesley McKay toll-free at 877-737-KNET (5638) or wesleymckay@knet.ca.

Presented by Chiefs of Ontario (COO - http://chiefs-of-ontario.org) and the Keewaytinook Okimakanak Research Institute(KORI - http://research.knet.ca)

Chiefs of Ontario (COO) and Keewaytinook Okimakanak (KO) are pleased to present to you with the opportunity to learn more about First Nations Telehealth in Canada and to share your thoughts, concerns and ideas about what role telehealth can play in promoting the health and wellness of First Nations communities. The workshop takes place in a face-to-face gathering in Toronto and on-line June 14-15, 2006. It will provide participants with a detailed briefing on the state of First Nations telehealth in Canada with specific emphasis on the various telehealth models employed by First Nations communities and Aboriginal organizations.

This workshop is part of a regional consultation by the Assembly of First Nations (AFN) designed to gather grassroots feedback as the first step towards creating a national policy framework for First Nations telehealth in Canada.

Funding for this workshop is being provided by Health Canada and Canada Health Infoway (CHI).

The workshop will be conducted face-to-face in Toronto, via video conference and webcast technologies by First Nations Telehealth experts throughout Ontario and across Canada.

The workshop will be archived and made available from the website http://www.meeting.knet.ca

What: The Sharing the Knowledge about First Nations Telehealth workshop will be conducted through face-to-face encounters in Toronto, through videoconference and online (webcast) technologies for the leadership, Directors of Health, CHRs, Community Telehealth Coordinators (CTCs) and other community-based health and wellness champions at the local and regional level who want to learn more about telehealth and to share their ideas about the needs and potential uses of telehealth for First Nations in Ontario as part of a regional consultation being conducted by the Assembly of First Nations.

When: June 14 - 15, 2006, live presentations will take place starting at 09:00 am Eastern Standard Time. Presentations will also be archived and available for viewing at any time from http://www.meeting.knet.ca

Where: Live workshops will be conducted through videoconference and webcast technologies. Archived versions of the presentations can be accessed through the K-Net Meeting area http://www.meeting.knet.ca

Who: Presentations will be conducted by experts and community-based practitioners from across Ontario. Health workers and community members are all welcomed to participate as online participants.