Lead Your Way! Nomination Call 2006 for outstanding Aboriginal youth role models

Lead Your Way!  - Aboriginal youth nominating Aboriginal youth. 


Lead Your Way! is the National Aboriginal Role Model Program. We are pleased to announce a Nomination Call for 2006 for Canada's top Aboriginal youth role models.

The National Aboriginal Role Model Program highlights the accomplishments of First Nations, Inuit and Metis youth and it is designed to encourage Aboriginal youth to pursue their dreams. This program is delivered by the National Aboriginal Health Organization (NAHO).

Lead Your Way! will recognize Aboriginal youth who have demonstrated a significant level of innovation, achievement and leadership and who are considered role models by their peers and community members.

Through Lead Your Way!, 12 Aboriginal youth will be chosen as role models for a year.

The Lead Your Way! program will produce posters and trading cards that feature each of the 12 role models. The posters and trading cards will be available to First Nations, Inuit and Metis communities and organizations. As well, the youth role models will visit Aboriginal communities to attend celebrations, school functions, workshops and conferences. The role models will share their stories and experiences with other Aboriginal youth in the hopes of inspiring others to pursue their goals.

What: Lead Your Way!, the National Aboriginal Role Model Program, provides opportunity for Aboriginal youth to be recognized for their achievements. Role models may be First Nations, Inuit or Metis youth between the ages of 13 and 30 years old.

Who: Aboriginal youth (between the ages of 13 and 30 years old) can nominate their role model by filling out the nomination form. The nomination form has various attributes that fit your role model.

When: Nominations will close on May 21st, 2006.

How: You can nominate for Lead Your Way! By:

  1. Using the on-line nomination form.
  2. Downloading a form found on our website www.naho.ca/rolemodel.
  3. Calling 1-877-602-4445, to request a form to be faxed.

For more information, please contact Lead Your Way!, the National Aboriginal Role Model Program at:

Telephone:(613) 237-9462 ext. 548
Toll-free:1-(877)-602-4445 ext. 548
Email: leadyourway@naho.ca