KO Board of Directors' Call for Letters of Interest from Qualified Consultants


Keewaytinook Okimakanak (KO), the Northern Chiefs Council, is seeking Letters of Interest from experienced consultants to facilitate a community consultation process on how the tribal council can better support and assist the member First Nations communities in Ontario’s far north.

Email Letters of Interest to KORI.

The successful candidate will meet (in person or via videoconference at the discretion of the leadership) with the KO Chiefs Steering Committee at least three times, including:

At the beginning of the contract,
Following the community gatherings (Interim Report), and;
Upon completion of the Final Report.
Additional videoconferences may be scheduled as necessary.

The successful candidate will provide Keewaytinook Okimakanak will an Interim Report and Final Report in digital format.

The successful candidate will work with the Keewaytinook Okimakanak Research Institute (KORI) during the course of this project.

Keewaytinook Okimakanak is a tribal council serving remote and isolated First Nations communities in Ontario’s far north.  KO’s telecommunications department, K-Net Services, is a leader in First Nations connectivity and telecommunications.  K-Net is the Regional Management Organization for First Nations SchoolNet, a program of Industry Canada.  KO Telehealth (KOTH) is the largest First Nations telehealth network in Canada, linking physicians and specialists across Canada with patients in twenty-five First Nations communities across northern Ontario.  The KO Research Institute builds bridges between First Nations communities and university researchers as well as building research capacity at the community level.  The Keewaytinook Internet High School (KiHS) provides Grade Nine and Ten students with the opportunity to pursue ministry-approved credits while remaining in the home communities.  KO provides advisory services to its First Nations in economic development, education, health and social services.

The Letter of Interest should include the following:

Cover Letter including,
Previous Experience with Community Consultations with First Nations communities, including three references
Draft Work Plan
Draft Budget

The ability to speak either Oji-Cree or Cree is an asset.  Must have experience working with First Nations peoples at the community level.