“Saving Lives, Restoring Hope” Suicide Prevention community banner project

“Saving Lives, Restoring Hope” Suicide Prevention Banner project celebrates community artistry and dedicates banners to continued suicide prevention.

Click here to view pictures of the banners.

The “Saving Lives, Restoring Hope” Banner project built relationships between community youth, elders, and health staff as they planned and painted together.  Art has long been a means of expressing thoughts and feelings.  This project addressed issues of suicide prevention and elimination through artistic expression.  The theme “Saving Lives, Restoring hope” is the ultimate goal.  The project was community-based therefore, the way the project was conducted in each community varied.  Some communities offered prizes, while others had special speakers, rallies, and walks concurrently during the banner painting.  Regional prizes were offered to youth and adults who emailed digital pictures for competition.  See the variety of posters below.  All posters belong to the communities and are a reminder of the goal “Saving Lives, Restoring Hope”.  You may find these banners stitched together in the nursing station, band office, health office, Northern Store or youth centre in your community.  The stitched banners symbolize the bond between all people in the community as they “Save Lives, Restore Hope”.

This has been a collaborative effort.  We thank Nishnawbe Aski Nation for funding the project.  We thank the following donors who have given regional prizes for this project:

KiHS, KO Home & Community Care Program, KO Mental Health  Program, KO Telehealth, KO Tobacco Intervention Program, K-Net - SchoolNet initiative, The Source – Red Lake, Wasaya, Wawatay.