Aboriginal Harvest Ministries show their Love to the Students at DFC

The Aboriginal Harvest Church , which is located at the Dennis Franklin Cromarty High School came on the last day to have Lunch with the Students. Many students and staff came and showed up for this last day of school. Everyone around had their face shining with a Big Smile, on their face. Pizza, Little Oranges, drinks to go along with that, Pop. Students await for the holidays as each one tell each other, What they have plans for this Christmas. The next Exams start in just awhile and after that the Students are asked to go to the Gym for a Meeting. All flights en route to our Northern Communities will be on Sunday, starting at 7:00 Am, And throughout the day. (Correction) The Miskegokamang Students will be leaving this Afternoon, And will not be on Sunday. Sorry for the Error that I wrote.