Live webcam allows visitors to watch nesting eagles in BC

A pair of nesting bald eagles in British Columbia are being watched by people from around the world. Check out the live webcam feed at

And also the CBC Online News story at

Webcam of nesting eagles takes off
Tue, 04 Apr 2006 - CBC News

A webcam is giving thousands of people around the world a close look at the lives of a pair of nesting bald eagles on B.C.'s Hornby Island.

Last week, the website went online as the eagles laid two eggs that are expected to hatch by the end of the month.

Retired accountant David Carrick said he has been keeping an eye on the pair of eagles in his secluded property for 14 years. But about 18 months ago – with government permission – he got an even closer look, installing a camera in the nest while the eagles were away on their annual migration.

He said the eagles noticed the enclosed camera and "pecked at it" and then got on with their lives.

At that point, the cable from the camera only ran into his TV and VCR. Carrick said he recorded some of the best moments, including the female laying two eggs, last year.

He showed the videos to biologists who offered to make the feed public on his website.

Last week, about 40,000 viewers a day went to the site after the female laid her clutch for this year. And Hancock has had to add three new web servers to meet the demand.

Carrick hopes the intimate look at the nesting eagles will make people think twice about threatening the species' habitat.