Conservative government first speech from the throne ignores First Nations

The Assembly of First Nations and the Union of Ontario Indians were quick to express their disappointment in today's Speech from the Throne by the new Conservative government. There was no mention of First Nations or the efforts to address poverty and third world conditions in First Nations across Canada in the government's new agenda. See the two press releases below.
Assembly of First Nations Responds to Speech from the Throne

    OTTAWA, April 4 /CNW Telbec/ - Assembly of First Nations National Chief Phil Fontaine responded today to the Government of Canada's Speech from the Throne, and called on the government to address the critically important agreements reached on residential schools and at the First Ministers Meeting on Aboriginal Issues in Kelowna.

    "Our expectation was that there would be no specific mention of First Nations issues, given that we were not one of the government's five stated priorities, but we are still disappointed that there was no reference to our agenda, nor any reference to our historic agreements on residential schools or to close the gap in quality of life between First Nations and other Canadians," said the National Chief.

    The Speech from the Throne focused on the stated "top five" priorities of the new Conservative government. The National Chief nevertheless noted that First Nations will continue to work with government to ensure that First Nations issues also remain a priority.

    "I know that the Minister of Indian Affairs, the Honourable Jim Prentice, is committed to, as he says, 'putting the wheels on Kelowna'", stated the National Chief. "The First Ministers' agreements and the Agreement in Principle on Residential Schools are priorities for First Nations that will also benefit all Canadians in the long-term. The government has stated that it is willing to support the First Ministers and residential schools agreements in principle. Let's work together to put principle into practice."

    The National Chief stated that the Speech from the Throne sets the tone for the government, but he and First Nations across the country will be closely watching the upcoming federal budget to get a better sense of the government's commitment to collaborative approaches and concrete results.

    "The Federal Budget will provide details of the government's commitment to improving quality of life for First Nations," said the National Chief. "Other commitments from the previous government have been honoured. For example, farmers received over $700 million from this government - money that was promised by the previous government."

    National Chief Fontaine highlighted the government's intent to issue an apology regarding the Chinese head tax through Parliament as evidence of the government's willingness to address the institutionalized racism and discrimination of the past, and called on Prime Minister Harper to move forward with agreements on residential schools compensation and reconciliation as further evidence of that willingness.

    "We applaud the efforts by government and the Chinese-Canadian community to address this outstanding injustice from our past," said the National Chief. "We have an Agreement in Principle on Residential Schools, which is a means to address one of the most widespread, pervasive and destructive examples of past discrimination. All that is required to implement this agreement is final approval by the federal government."

    The Assembly of First Nations is the national organization representing First Nations citizens in Canada.

For further information: Don Kelly, AFN Communications Director, (613) 241-6789 ext. 320 or cell (613) 292-2787; Ian McLeod, AFN Bilingual Communications Officer, (613) 241-6789 ext. 336 or cell (613) 859-4335

++++++++++++++ - UNION OF ONTARIO INDIANS - APRIL 4, 2006
Throne speech missed aboriginals

NIPISSING FIRST NATION--(CCNMatthews - April 4, 2006) - First Nations in Canada have expressed profound disappointment in today's Speech from the Throne. With the exception of a vague mention of aboriginal entrepreneurs in the preamble and a mention of improving opportunities for all Canadians "including Aboriginal peoples", there was no mention of aboriginal issues in today's address to Parliamentarians.

"The First Peoples' of Canada have been left high-and-dry in this Throne Speech. I am profoundly disappointed that there has been no priority given, whatsoever, regarding key aboriginal issues, including the elimination of poverty, aboriginal health care, drinking water quality and substandard infrastructure, and housing.

"We continue to be left in the dark about the Conservative government's aboriginal agenda," added Grand Council Chief.

Grand Council Chief Beaucage was the co-chair of the First Ministers' Meeting Working Groups in Housing and Relationships. As such, he was quite taken-aback about the lack of any mention of the First Ministers' Meeting priorities: Housing, Health, Life Long Learning, Economic Opportunities, and Relationships.

"We have maintained that the First Nations' housing deficit is at critical levels. First Nations housing should not only be a priority for this government, it should be a basic human right of all Canadians," said Beaucage.

First Nations have long maintained there is a significant shortage of housing in First Nations' communities across Canada. Needs estimate range from 35,000 to 85,000 units.

"We are ready to build and own our own homes. We are ready to show that the First Nations' housing action plan resulting from the First Ministers' meeting can work and that with the proper priority and investment, a bona fide housing market can be established in First Nation communities," said Beaucage.

Beaucage was pleased to see the government moving to improve community safety by "putting more police on the street". First Nations police services are among the lowest funded services in Canada. A number of First Nations in Ontario have been waiting for police services including: Serpent River First Nation, Algonquins of Pikwakanagan, and Long Lake #58.

"For years we have seen the need for improved safety and policing in First Nation communities. We expect that this government's priority will mean more First Nation police officers, new policing to under-serviced First Nations and better overall security and safety for Canadian communities."

However, health care continues to be the issue of most concern for First Nations in Canada.

"Our people are suffering - our people are dying - while mainstream Canadians can be assured they will get the health care that they pay for," said Grand Council Chief Beaucage. "The lack of priority for First Nations health will mean little or no progress on the prescription drug abuse, diabetes and mental health issues and suicide prevention."

There is a tremendous concern over the prevalence of prescription drug abuse in Ontario First Nation communities. Abuse and trafficking of Oxycoten, percadone, percacets, and crystal methamphetamines has emerged as the number one health priority for First Nations in Ontario, especially in Anishinabek Nation territory. The Union of Ontario Indians is proposing a comprehensive strategy to curb the problem of prescription drug abuse and support First Nations that are coping with treatment and affects of this problem.

Just this weekend, another suicide took place at the Chippewas of the Thames First Nation near London, Ontario. At least two suicides, and many more attempts have taken place there. It's been a disturbing trend in urban Native communities not only in impoverished northern communities.

The Anishinabek Nation incorporated the Union of Ontario Indians as its secretariat in 1949. The UOI is a political advocate for 42 member First Nations across Ontario. The UOI is the oldest political organization in Ontario and can trace its roots back to the Confederacy of Three Fires, which existed long before European contact.

Bob Goulais, Executive Assistant to the Grand Council Chief, Union of Ontario Indians
Primary Phone: 705-498-5250