Race Relations Week March 20-26/06 events in Sioux Lookout

Unity is the common theme for this year's race relations week long event starting March 20th.

Community, unity and opportunity is the theme for Race Relations Week 2006 taking place March 20-26 in Sioux Lookout.  Initiated by the Sioux Lookout Anti-Racism Committee, the intent of race relations week is to celebrate and share our cultural diversity.  A planning committee comprised of various community members has been confirming the schedule of events for community members to participate in.  Interested youth and community members can volunteer in a number of events that will ensure the success of this week.

Monday, March 20 - Free Gym Nite at the Rec Centre from 4 to 9 pm.  Sponsored by Tikinigan Child and Family Services.  Refreshments provided by the SLKT volunteer firefighters association. 

Tuesday, March 21 - International Day to End Racial Discrimination, Join SLARC for tea, bannock and displays at Johnny's.  Sioux-per Toastmaster's will meet at 7 pm at Queen Elizabeth High School.  Theme:  Community, unity and opportunity call Rochelle Bird 737-5233 for more info

Wednesday, March 22 - Customer Appreciation Day at CIBC, Medicince Wheel Teachings at Nishnawbe Gamik Friendship Centre 1 pm, Indian Taco Day, Legion Bingo at 7pm, Culture Night of Drumming 7 pm at Friendship Centre, Sioux Mountain Public School Annual Talent Show at 7 pm at school auditorium, come and see future stars, $2.00 admission fundraising for special events at school.

Thursday, March 23 - Floor Hockey for Children and Youth Sponsored by Fun with Cops at Rec Centre at 6 pm, Girlz Power 8 to 12 yrs of age at Youth Centre at 3:45 pm

Friday, March 24 - Girlz Nite Out for girls only 8 to 12 yrs of age at Youth Centre at 3:45 pm.  Free Gym Nite for youth sponsored by the Sioux Lookout Chamber of Commerce.  Refreshments sponsored by the Slkt firefighter's association., "A Midsummer Night's Dream" performed by the Motus O Dance Theatre at Queen Elizabeth High School 7 pm

Saturday, March 25 - Out of the Cold Fishing Derby at Bigwood Lake (by airport) Phone Neil at 737-7299 for tickets, Community Coffeehouse at St. Andrew's Church 7 pm sponsored by the Slkt Youth Council,  Youth Chess Tournament at 1 pm Johnny's Foods call Charles to register 737-1501 sponsored by Pis-ka-pii-win.

Sunday, March 26 - Community Multi-cultural Potluck at K of C Hall 5 pm, Bring your favourity dish and recipe, silent auction, activities, membership drive and more.

Other Events:  Library displays at schools and public library, Special menus at local restaurants - (Greek, Chinese, Italian, Filipino and more) Speaker's Corner and "WE ARE the amazing race event" sponsored by SLYC, cultural events at Queen Elizabeth High School and local daycare facilities, Sacred Heart and Sioux Mountain. Public School.

To register an event or for more information about Race Relations Week contact slarc at 737-1501 and leave message.  We are still in need of volunteers for the week, please contact Charles or Dan at slarc.  The Sioux Lookout Anti-Racism Committee would like to thank the planning committee, volunteers, Wasaya Air, Johnny's, Tikinagan Family Services, Rona, and other businesses that have supported and participated in this event.