Aboriginal youth and Media online discussion forum launched - win an iPod!

A new online Aboriginal Youth & Media initiative is being coordinated by the Women in Media Foundation and K-Net. Everyone is invited to visit http://meeting.knet.ca and click on “Media and Youth” to become part of our online learning and discussion environment.

Each student who registers will have a chance to win an iPod Nano! More importantly, youth will have access to the discussion environments as well as to exercises that will help them learn how to create their own media.

As part of the launch of this new initiative, we are asking everyone to forward this information about the new site to young Aboriginal students who might be interested in learning more about making their own media.   

It’s very easy to take part in this e-learning environment. Young people are encouraged and supported within this monitored environment to share their media stories and experiences with others. 

Again, just by creating an account will enter youth in our draw for an iPod Nano. We hope everyone will explore the information available, download some of the media tools or chat about media issues such as music and advertising.

Click here to see the poster promoting this new online resource.

This initiative is being funded in partnership with Industry Canada's First Nations SchoolNet program and Keewaytinook Okimakanak's Regional Management Organization project.