First Nations Education Council posts 3rd First Nation schools success stories

The First Nations SchoolNet program's Quebec Regional Management Organization recently posted its third publication of First Nation schools ICT success stories. Coordinated by the First Nations Education Council out of Wendake First Nation, the Quebec RMO is working with the K-Net team to develop and support innovative ICT applications in First Nation schools across the province. The series of success stories highlight the investments being made by the schools, the communities, regional organizations and Industry Canada in supporting these developments.

Schoolnet Success Stories Volume #3
The FNEC is pleased to present the third publication in a series titled “SchoolNet Success Stories”. The FNEC continues to receive great reviews from First Nations organizations, federal ministries, and other agencies recognizing the efforts of both the communities and the FNEC in producing these publications.
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Schoolnet Success Stories Volume #2
The FNEC is pleased to present our second publication in a series titled “SchoolNet Success Stories”. The purpose of this publication is to provide a summary from the educational perspective of what First Nations communities are doing with ICT and the support they receive from the First Nations SchoolNet program. We hope readers enjoy learning about the levels of ICT innovation and integration that are occurring in band-managed schools not only in the Quebec region, but across Canada as well.
 Click here to download the file

Schoolnet Success Stories Volume #1
The FNEC is delighted to present the first volume of success stories reflecting community accomplishments in Information Communications Technologies (ICT).
 Click here to download the file