AFN Renewal to be discussed at the upcoming AFN Special Chiefs' Assembly

In announcing the upcoming AFN Special Chiefs' Assembly, National Chief Phil Fontaine invited the chiefs "to look at some of the options and recommendations that stem from the Renewal report and to discuss how we can make our strong organization even stronger." Click here to learn more about the AFN Renewal report

Click here for AFN Special Chiefs Assembly registration and meeting information 

Message from the AFN National Chief on the Special Chiefs Assembly


The Assembly of First Nations is convening a Special Chiefs Assembly on March 27-29 to engage in a discussion on AFN Renewal.  The AFN Renewal Commission issued its report - “A Treaty Among Ourselves” - on December 7, 2005.  It is now time for Chiefs and First Nations representatives to look at some of the options and recommendations that stem from the Renewal report and to discuss how we can make our strong organization even stronger.

Some central themes emerged during the Renewal Commission’s public hearings. Our people want to ensure the AFN is rooted in First Nations values, principles, customs and traditions; representative of the First Nations and their citizens; responsive to the diverse circumstances, needs and priorities of First Nations; and respected and effective in Confederation and in the international community.

The purpose of the SCA is to focus discussion and dialogue around five key areas based on the Renewal Commission’s report. Those areas are: accountability; universal vote; structures; relationship; and administrative efficiencies. We will be providing you with brief discussion papers for each of these areas.  As well, the Special Chiefs Assembly will also be an opportunity to discuss some of the other matters that require attention prior to the upcoming AGA, including our agenda and approach with the new federal government.

I look forward to your participation in this important and exciting discussion about our national organization. As First Nations grow and evolve, so too will the AFN. Your ideas and your input will be essential in these efforts.

Meegwetch/Thank you!

Phil Fontaine
National Chief