NADF Summary of First Nations’ Energy Issues for Ontario Power Authority Submission

Michael Fox, NADF Resource Sectoral Specialist recently prepared a brief summary of the challenges and suggested process-related improvements and/or inclusive mechanisms as it relates to First Nations energy initiatives in Ontario’s Far North. The submission is part of the Ontario Power Authority's efforts to plan for the northern route grid system. 

This submission was the only one that specifically addressed First Nation issues and concerns about OPA's plans for their new northern electrical route through NAN territory. OPA is now undergoing further consultations to develop this plan (a copy of their RFP for the development of this consultation is available on MERX at The complete Ontario Power Authority "Supply Mix Advice Report" is also available online at

Nishnawbe Aski Development Fund Summary of First Nations’ Energy Issues Ontario Power Authority Submission

... In terms of the larger picture, reoccurring First Nations’ messages heard from an energy-project level to the Province have been:

  • More inclusive engagement in energy planning that affects remote First Nation communities
  • More equal level energy ‘playing field’ between remote First Nations and rest of Province (rates, subsidies and regulation)
  • More direct participation in energy infrastructure projects affecting First Nations (local, provincial, and inter-provincial initiatives)
  • The potential Manitoba-Ontario Interconnect should be evaluated not simply as a means to deliver electricity to Ontario, but also as a catalyst or anchor investment that will be the locus of a much broader set of First Nations’ economic development activities in the Far North. First Nations should be part of future studies as a way to obtain crucial information and be a position to review any potential transmission options as part of the review team.
  • The potential Interconnect investment could provide a First Nation-designed and controlled infrastructure corridor which would be the locus of:
    1. an all-season road infrastructure;
    2. the regional trigger for other economic development activities;
    3. a secondary source of a local and regional transmission lines that would service remote communities and future resource-based projects led by First Nations;
    4. the destination of electricity generated from remote sources of renewable and possibly non-renewable energy sources.

The submission included a list of "Key Messages for Ontario Power Authority Submission Advice to Minister of Energy". Click here for a copy of the complete NADF submission (PDF document). 

The one additional item that has now been added to the Five Nation Energy construction project serving Fort Albany, Kashechewan and Attawapiskat is the inclusion of a fiber optic cable that will serve these First Nations. This First Nation owned resource will support further economic development opportunities across the region.