KO online applications well received at Wiky Education Conference

KORI’s Brian Walmark was one of thirty workshop leaders invited to the "Striving for Education Excellence In First Nation Communities," an education conference sponsored by the Wiky Board of Education (February, 3-4, 2006). Brian conducted a day long workshop dealing with on-line education. He focussed on the applications created by K-Net Services, the Regional Management Organization (RMO) Ontario for Industry Canada’s First Nations SchoolNet program.

Brian provided workshop participants in Wiky with a tour of the K-Net website including First Nations SchoolNet, G8, and KiHS. Participants were exposed to the Special Education, Literacy and Early Childhood Development on-line workshops and many registered. Some participated in a "live" session with a dozen other First Nations schools across the north from Fort Francis to Timmins to Bearskin Lake. Others viewed archived sessions on-line. Over three hundred and fifty principals, teachers, teaching assistants and the general public attended the two-day conference. Conference organizers want to make this into an annual gathering.  For more information, click here.