Keewaytinook Okimakanak is working in partnership with several organizations to support First Nation youth across Ontario to obtain certification as computer technicians.
The recently completed Cisco IT Essentials 1 (ITE1) course that ran from November 2005 to January 2006 had twelve First Nation youth successfully complete the program. Three youth passed the course the first time it was delivered in the winter of 2004-2005. Three other First Nations youth successfully completed the ITE1 Instructor training program in 2004 and are now delivering this course from their communities to other youth.
The course is delivered online using a variety of e-learning communication tools. Most of the participants are working as Computer Technicians in their home community and are employed under a Youth Employment initiative coordinated by members of the Keewaytinook Okimakanak team with funding from Industry Canada's First Nations SchoolNet program.
Instructors for the ITE1 course are:
The 2005-2006, ITE1 graduates include:
The ITE1 2004-2005 ITE1 graduates included
Angus Miles is now working with Aaron Hardy to deliver the ITE2 Cisco Academy training program to those ITE1 graduates interested in getting this certification.
Other partners involved in the development of this training opportunity include the Keewatin Career Development Corporation and the Aboriginal Human Resource Development department that funded the Train-the-trainer program working with the Education Network of Ontario and Centennial College.
Many of these youth will be attending the upcoming Chiefs of Ontario gathering in Six Nations where they will meet to continue the ITE2 training as well as participate in the First Nations Youth Education gathering.