Ontario First Nation youth share their ICT stories and experiences on video

During the November, 2005 ICT training workshop at the Fort William First Nation community learning centre (click here to read the KNews story), six youth shared their stories about their community, their work and their experiences on camera. Cal Kenny, K-Net's Multi-media Coordinator, has now posted these online for others to watch and learn how these youth are making a difference in their communities.

Click on the person's name to watch the video clip (in Windows Media format - broadband connection recommended):

Angie Fiddler, who lives in the remote First Nation of Sandy Lake, is working with Keewaytinook Okimakanak is a the Coordinator of this youth employment and training project. This project is funded by Industry Canada's First Nations SchoolNet program. Twenty-four youth, each located in their home First Nation across Ontario, are participating in this employment and training project.

As part of the training project, the ITE1 course from the Cisco Academy of Learning Training is being taught online by Angus Miles who lives in the remote First Nation of Sachigo Lake, with assistance from Aaaron Hardy, Fort William First Nation. Jesse Fiddler, who lives in Sandy Lake First Nation, is teaching the web site development portion of the training program with assistance from Cal Kenny (Lac Seul First Nation).