Federal party leaders provide their responses to AFN's seven questions

To find out how each of the federal political parties are promising to address each of the issues concerning Aboriginal people as presented by the Assembly of First Nations, visit the AFN web site at http://afn.ca/article.asp?id=2025


Political parties have now responded to the National Chief’s questions – click on the party below to read the responses! (Requires Acrobat Reader)
Bloc Quebecois
Conservative Party of Canada
First Peoples National Party of Canada
Green Party of Canada
Liberal Party of Canada
New Democratic Party of Canada

Other political updates from the AFN include:

There are at least 62 federal ridings in this election in which Aboriginal peoples comprise a substantial portion of the electorate and 25 ridings where Aboriginal peoples make up 10% or more of the voters. First Nations can be the deciding factor in these ridings. We can have a real say in who forms the next government. If this election is as close as predicted, that means First Nations voters have tremendous influence over the final outcome. Every vote counts. This reality should compel all the parties and their leaders to speak out about First Nations issues and their agenda for change>